[A] technologist named Dhruv Mehrotra designed a special network tool that prevents my devices from communicating with the tech giants’ servers, meaning […] websites hosted by Amazon Web Services, or AWS, hypothetically won’t load.
Ah oui si en plus elle fait ça, ça bloque plein de trucs. Par exemple, les serveurs de redirection vers les miroirs apt debian.org.
In that case the original meme was indeed using ableism:
- st panel: Look at how I'm being r–word
- nd panel: wow fuck off r-word
- rd panel: haha joke's on them I was only pretending
It was used to tell off trolls and other online pranksters.
I too sometimes wear anarchism panties on my face.
People have warned about this risk since disqus started getting popular. Based on my experience, no matter how nice you try to be about it, people choosing this kind of solution can give zero fucks about this, and consider that immediate convenience trumps everything. So, cheh.
We'd have:
- GPLv3
- endless daily political notes
- no browsers, only web pages sent by email and read in emacs
- everything in emacs in fact
- edible toe nails
- horny parrots
- no congratulations for having a baby
- too many notes about the ontology of pedophilia
- some dubious sexual comments at women
The stallman lore is rich and diverse.
I just enjoy stealing.
C'est vrai que ça peut être une solution pour ce type précis de problème, mais en même temps elle met en exergue un problème social. Ce type de comportement se retrouve sous d'autres formes, pas toujours avec une solution technique de dispo.
Je crois vraiment pas que t'aies tout lu avec attention en 6 minutes. Je vois même pas ce que tu racontes viens faire avec le propos très précis de l'auteure.
You'd be better off studying the psychology of social influence.