Blame everyone who nominated hillary over Bernie :(
I must be the only one in the thread who knew that by reading the title.
He doesn't want them to compete with Americans.
Why don't other countries just lower their prices if they want to compete?
That doesn't make any sense.
If Iran is allied with Russia, and Trump is Putin's puppet, then wouldn't Trump be good for Iran?
and many of you people just ignore facts you don’t like or pretend they don’t make sense.
Thanks for proving my point.
Medium "articles" are just blogs, by the way.
I’m telling you that if you smell shit everywhere you go, to check your shoes.
Or maybe grow up and see things for what they really are. Money runs the world, sweetie.
You're just trying to attack me personally because I'm saying things you do not like. It's better to be ignorant than to accept hard truths, in your mind.
It's reality for all of us.
People here like to ignore hard truths, though.
Maybe we shouldn’t have chocolate, or maybe a bar of chocolate should be 20 dollars.
The people owning the businesses can make less profit and pay workers respectable wages without raising prices.
That's only if they're forced to, though.
The only way to deal with it is to let so much of it flood the digital world that nobody cares anymore because there's a deepfake porno of everyone.
This is a waste of money to ensure rich people don't get porn made of them by poor people.
Poor people won't be able to afford lawyers and aren't able to take time off to show up in court.
Zionists control the media?
He's just gonna be a punk to the gangbangers like in El Salvador before the crackdown.
Yeah. Vietnam and afghanistan are identical to the war in Ukraine.
It's not like the US is on the other side of the world, or anything.
Nope. They're exactly the same.
Anything to avoid admitting Ukraine is going to lose and you've been taken for a ride 🤣