Generally people underestimate how much work bike engines and components can do and for how long. If you are focussed on resale then yes, new bike low kms, but you can pick up a slightly older bike for less. Manufacturers refresh the goodies to sell bikes. On the street ABS/Traction is helpful if you ride in cold or wet. But nothing is really necessary, even the fuel gauge (usually unreliable anyway). Buying a bike is a journey to be enjoyed. Keep us all informed about your progress - we are all rooting for you.
When I broke my foot and was in plaster for weeks I was really happy that a friend bought a shower chair for me. I only have a shower, no bath in my apartment. Shower chair plus a cast cover for swimming = happier life. Well, cleaner anyway.
Feel bad for Abe. I had a same conversation with Garmin; it turns out when you buy lifetime maps it means for the duration we decide to support the product, which can have the lifetime of a mayfly and there is nothing they will do, and nothing you can do except not buy another Garmin product.
Haha this I like. Unplugged
Same guy saying no to 4 day week? The guy with the Rolex? Got it.
I want to say ‚bike‘?
My other bike really is a Desert Sled. I should have been riding that.
I put season plates on both my bikes 03/11 and I miss some great days like you say. The savings helps to pay for the train fares, but it’s a long wait now until spring.
“He added reverb effects, applause and other audience sounds from John’s previous concerts and a loop from the Jimi Hendrix live album Isle of Wight, plus whistles, giving it the “live concert recording” feel”
Oh - ha I clicked. Damn
Usually - drop my book
because - more guns
I swap two wheelsets on my Slate - it’s very convenient. Only thing for me is each time I have to reset the brake callipers, but it’s a very small thing.