Wow, just buy or build a comparable PC at that price point
Odd that there is no mention of the parents contacting the police and working through them to get the images down Technically and legally the photos would be considered child porn Since it's over the Internet it would bring Federal charges even though there maybe State charges Somethings were handled wrong if all the kid is getting is probation
Interestingly, GrapheneOS isn't secure enough for Niantic games
MS will buy it all at the fire sale for cheap then integrate it deeply into Bing, Windows, etc
Incorrect testing They didn't use the GPU board the block was designed for as they apparently didn't have one available from their inventory Linus found out about that at the start of filming the video review then decided to go full steam ahead anyway Gotta get that video out Didn't even mention or reference the included manual and other documentation Concluded it was a crap product, a prototype installed on the improper GPU, in the video and also on the WANshow That had to have caused untold damage to the company in revenue and reputation
Server capacity exceeded Thankfully I got to read it before their forum server took a dump for some reason
I don't feel Linus could have said anything to Steve to stop the video Really, Linus/LMG needed the wakeup call They have been making bigger and bigger stumbles and it's not just due to growth as Linus uses it as an excuse He also said nothing would change as a result of the Billet debacle, just a tightening of documentation but it a sign of bigger issues It was the result of multiple levels of failure He should have stopped the video when he knew they didn't have the right GPU there and even pointed out quite authoritatively to is employee his mistake in not identifying the GPU A symptom of rushing out videos on a very tight schedule possibly
Guess this is why GN and a few others were not at LTX
Billet Labs has a good case to sue LMG
Petty person doing petty things Just go forth and create communities across the instances SDF is pretty nice and has recently spun up a hand full of regional Lemmy instances
I'm opposed to connected vehicles