I was in awe of the infrastructure, old and new mixed with nature. The lack of litter in most areas was astounding, coming from a red state in the US, the politeness of most people was also quite suprising.
Cars were a reasonale size, not grotesquely oversized for the hedonist rich, this included work vehicles.
I was intrigued also that even those few who could not abide walking on the same side of the street as this white person, that the jeering faces and the snubs were just present enough to get the point across, that they did not appreciate my presence, yet still very polite.
The alleged situation has reinforced the lessons that the 'upper' classes are really the lowest in all the characteristics they claim to hold dear. The fact that courts, govt, and corporations are now all perverse manifestations of their cowardice, laziness, and need to feel more valued that someone not born into the same status and stature; reveals that fascism in thier personal life just spills out to destroy other peoples lives when they get scared the general public will wake up and realize, the peopl who 'earned' thier millions weren't smarter, more clever or better; they were just more okay parasitizing thier fellow man to 'get' ahead. Sadly, I find more honor right now in the local pot dealer and than a CEO, a Federal judge, a Governor, a Policemen, or clergyman. Because of all the ones who have fallen in line to kiss Trump's ring, or lose their voice to speak out against the actions and changes going on right now. I'm disgusted by all of these leavened pharisees, and thier sick sad perspetives that allow them to look the other way.
Inhuman treatment of others is the first sign you might be a closet Nazi. Our nation has soiled the bed, and keeps rolling around in it insisting nothing is wrong.
I thought that CEO's got that mighty scratch because they were made of sterner stuff.
Ammendment Cancelled in the name of 'Murica, Freedom of speech no longer applies to people MAGA doesn't like because their myopic noseblind idiotic supporters can't process without Fox News prompts. The "It doesn't feel right because it's not racist or fascist enough!" crowd need to be vacationed like 'dear leader' to Putin's Playpen Russia where they can feel like themselves and only hear good things from lovely state media.
I didnt see ostrichoo, I want one so bad!
So every cyber truck catastrophic failure is now an act of vandalism? Didn't we know these things caught fire randomly and spontaneously from their history? How far will weak business leaders go to prop up their crappy public parasitizing products?!
Market capture is unethical in almost all cases. Unlike humans, if a 'for profit' business model can't adapt and survive in a market, then it doesn't need to be put on life support indefinately.
It's like people learned all the wrong lessons from the big beginners of this crud show....(Thanks a lot MS and A**le)
This is a major reason of why we can't have nice stuff.
Because people let them. Capitalism.
As an off ramp:
Mastodon, Lemmy, etc.. Also Linux. The internet works because of it, in spite of window and apple.
Meshtastic. Build, learn, go! Go now!