Thank you for sharing that — especially with it being personal information. Like your husband, I moved to Germany and cannot check my vaccination history — at least not easily, being estranged from my relatives. Coming from Spain and having been born in the late 90s, I very likely received all the usual vaccines. Still, I've been wondering what I could do about this for years. I will ask my Hausärztin sometime.
As good as that would be and as much as I desire it, my impression is that too many of them are trapped in a disinformation bubble to realize what and who is actually causing their problems. Some might, like the former Republican who shot at Trump and the veteran who blew up a Cybertruck, if I understood their motivation correctly, but I doubt such incidents will ever reach such a scale that Republicans reverse their entrenched stance on gun ownership.
Trudeau did adopt some of Trump's lingo when addressing him –by his forename, as you point out–, using "big" several times and referring to some treaty they negotiated as a "deal". He also slowed down, as if talking to someone with impaired understanding. Finally, Trudeau delivered this gem:
Now, it's not in my habit to agree with the Wall Street Journal, but Donald, they point out that, even though you're a very smart guy, this is a very dumb thing to do.
— starting at 10:34
It was brilliant; out in plain sight for anyone with mild linguistic skills yet too subtle for the Trump base to grasp any of it.
I think Trumpism does not need to take away guns thanks to the correlation between Trumpism and gun ownership. Why would they disarm those who support them and carry out their wishes with a degree of plausible deniability, as in January 6th?
To my knowledge, intelligence gathering is one of the capabilities for which Ukraine and, indeed, all non-US members of NATO depend on the United States the most, and one which they can less readily ramp up than the production of military hardware and materiel. This latest move is, perhaps, an even bigger blow to a fair and durable peace than the recent suspension of US military aid.
I dislike this as much as everyone else, but… Would you give us a "/s" or some other indication of sarcasm? Some people assert what you wrote –or similar things– unironically.
Wie an anderer Stelle geschrieben hat, ist es mit der politischen Willensbildung auch nach der Bundestagswahl noch nicht vorbei; die Unionsfraktion und die SPD verhandeln gerade. Diesen Prozess können Ereignisse wie dieser Anschlag in Mannheim schon beeinflussen. Sie erhöhen zum Beispiel die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass die Unionsfraktion bestimmte Gesetzesentwürfe oder sonstige Entscheidungen mit Stimmen der AfD durchbekommt. Das würde die ohnehin schon bröckelige Brandmauer weiter schwächen oder gar zerbrechen. Doch selbst dann, wenn es zu keiner Zusammenarbeit kommen sollte, könnte allein die Möglichkeit einer solchen Zusammenarbeit die SPD unter Druck setzen, den Forderungen der Unionsfraktion nachzukommen. Ob und wie genau solche politischen Machtspiele Russland von Vorteil wären, ist eine andere Frage.
Tja was sagt das jetzt zu der Verschwörungstheorie mit den Wahlen?
Meinst Du die Theorie, dass die verschiedenen Anschläge, die kurz vor der Bundestagswahl stattfanden, von Russland angestiftet worden seien, um die Gesellschaft zu spalten und der AfD zu einer stärkeren Position zu verhelfen, oder eine andere Theorie?
Fair enough. I couldn't tell from your original comment.
We have also never been imperial powers
Italy did maintain colonies in parts of what today are Libya, Eritrea, Ethiopia and Somalia, among other places, albeit the Italian imperial project was comparatively short in both time and space.
Prices are so bad that De Beers is for sale?!
BHP's bid for Anglo American, which owns De Beers, is playing a role too.