In RIF (Drittanbieter Applikationen Ruht in Frieden) haben die auch sehr eifrig geworben
I use docker-mailserver which is just one docker container running the basic services without the complexity of a webui an managing groupware
Reading this post on my mi A3 right now :D
Yeah seems like they mix up homelabbing and selfhosting a lot
Oracle cloud always free tier gives you a VPS with 200GB storage. You could use that to run a nextcloud instance
If you want to use OpenSUSE leap as your OS autoyast is made for that: automatic installation and configuration of new systems without (or with minimal) attendence
Or you could write an bash script that makes all those configurations and just run it after finishing the Install.
An ansible playbook would be another option to do these configurations semi-automatically
- The entry node doesn't know what data is being transmitted (or from where that data is) only who it's being transmitted to.
- The middle nodes know nothing about the data and just know the previous and next hop.
- The exit node knows what data is being accessed (if it's not being accessed via Https) but not who is accessing it
So in other words: no, you're not transmitting unencrypted data
Wie oft bedienst du diese Server denn mit einer direkt verbunden Tastatur statt via SSH?
Man sollte die angefragten Daten wahrscheinlich Recht einfach automatisiert in ein LaTeX Dokument einfügen können, was man dann zu einer PDF Datei kompilieren kann. Ohne programmiererfahrung wird das allerdings schon schwierig
Das wird wie der Refrain von Hey Jude ausgesprochen