We went one step further than courthouse and that was Las Vegas. About $1,500 USD for everything. Still together and no regrets.
Pad Thai, found a recipient from Hot Thai Kitchen YouTube video. She made it look easy.
3 hr later I produced a goop that was un-edible. So bad my SO asked me never to try again.
Thanks for the fantastic write up. It has been about 5ish years since I used VBox. Back then extensions were still needed for USB to work so this is good news.
VBox was always a great software, Oracle getting it really sucked
It is mind bending and believe changes with each episode
Yes you do have someone to share the news, the IRS :). (Assuming you are in the USA)
Seriously though congrats!
Worse try a body odor cloud, not fun
Edit: fix my crappy spelling, make sure my odor is in order
Exactly what I’m thinking, can furnish a whole place for a price of some of these solid wood furniture.
I think you are 100% right. This is a slow burn not something that will happen overnight.
I really liked Tron Legacy. I keep hearing the next one in the works so cautiously awaiting to see what they release next.
Wefwef, party app/site?
I went from basically a home made milkshake called coffee in the morning to 100% black, can’t stand a grain of sugar or drop of milk/creamer in my coffee.
Also think I became a coffee snob too :(
Your forgot expensive too.