Thank you for pursuing making the community. I am willing to talk about Traveller and other sci-fi themed topics.
"Tabletop journalism deserves better than this, and so do you"
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If you have a mystery situation set up and the party has a solution that cuts right to the end, I don't see the problem. My feeling is, instead of figuring out ways to force people into your line of roleplaying, play into their solution and let them feel good about it.
What would your recommendations be?
I think they look great but I would have a problem with the variable length. If my DM gives me magic item cards, I will for sure buy a binder with card sleeve pages to put those cards in (no matter if they are cards or just paper). Having the variable length would keep me from doing that. I would prefer the text be variable font size with the card sized fixed to the standard 3 1/2" x 2 1/2".
Edit: I thought more about this and, if the main feature of your design is the variable length, maybe make that more obvious in the title/description. While it might not be to my liking, others may love it. Also consider adding some example 11" x 8 1/2" pages showing the layout you're going for using these cards. Marketing is (almost) everything.
Thanks for the clarification! Yes, this is very solid work. Excellent job.
This looks great! What are the clock things at the bottom?
I don't think they said why they were concerned about it.
If it moves, breathes, or bites, it's a creature.
Objects that convey cover or height would be what I would like. Assuming they are made to a 1" grid scale, I think that would be most useful to support immersion during combat. Boxes and barrels always seem to come up. Also, a chest, wagon, sarcophagus/coffin, stone table, and a generic macgiffin (however you choose to represent it) would be the most useful at my table.
Yes, I agree. As far as I can tell, these are compiled by an actual human, Darryl Mott, and the quality shows.