They're a good place to get useful things though, like cups/bowls, decor, instruments, etc. Plus I like to get my white elephant gift at them!
same with Japan, unfortunately. Furniture is crazy expensive in stores here.
shrimptank, aquariums, various weird animal subs :(
x can be pronounced as sh, so...shitter?
yikes, what a dick. btw, daily squats work wonders :p
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time!! It's my favorite anime movie and time travel movie. It wasn't widely released in the US though so the dvd is EXPENSIVE.
yeah but gimp is kind of... not great. I'm not sure how I managed to use it as a teenager 20 years ago lol.
I used to sell video games professionally, and I used distilled white vinegar and a q-tip. Just dip the q-tip in vinegar and wipe the pins, then dry it with the other end. A bunch of black crap will come off - keep doing this until it's clean! To open it, you need I think a 3.5 mm game bit - you can buy them on ebay for a few bucks. You can also buy the batteries with the metal bits already on to solder it back onto the board. Make sure the polarity is correct!! I believe most gameboy games take 2025 batteries but you'll wanna double check, I think a couple take 1212s or 1216s. Hope that helps :)
they probably cycle to get around, not exercise.
you're in the fucking reddit community... just unsubscribe...
hail satan!!