Can we please stop building everything around Discord? It has its place as a chat app, but it's become like a web parallel to our own, except owned and operated by a single company. It's an information black hole, completely closed off from the rest of the web, unscrapeable, uncrawlable, unarchiveable, and borderline unsearchable. It has everything that is wrong with the web today. When the company dies, all information in the app dies with it. There's no Internet Archive for Discord.
I miss when PC games had flaps on the box, and they'd be full of screenshots and art from the game.
School's just starting. It won't hit the peak of hype without some huge new features or improvements, but it'll rise again.
This has strong "student housing in someone's basement" vibes.
Average Joe doesn't use extensions.
Five Eyes Plus
Implode the rich.
We have confirmation of bears shitting in the woods.
We need an option to block pornographic communities, but still see non-porn NSFW content. Blocking all NSFW is too broad and will block other content.
Linux needs better multi-monitor support. It's better than it's ever been, but it's still janky and giving black screens on tertiary screens at times.
EDIT: It's funny how the comments are all over the place. "works for me", "it's broken on KDE but works on XFCE", "it's broken on XFCE but works on KDE", etc. I think that's a good sign there are problems with multi-monitor support.
The people that use old.reddit are a very small minority, and many are likely already here.