Anything can be ram if you wait long enough
Tell that to some fruit.
Magic numbers go up!
This is the answer to all of this. Weight class exists in multiple sports and no one cares. Just pick a way to group people by skill.
Literally the whole point is to sustain insanity until they purge the rest of us.
Nah, the history of labor relations is the owner's willingness to implode things. Like when the deli at walmart formed a union and walmarts response was to stop having delis. They lost a lot of money, but they would rather lose than share.
Is it protecting children? Claims need evidence and rules need tests. Until we do that its fear-based, exploitable control for the sake of control.
I, a socialist, hate markets. They are simplistic and functional artifacts of the available way to pass information.
Greg wants to get paid, remove the threat of poverty from the loss of control and its a nonissue.
The trend shows identification to either label is falling. Really reads as a way to spin what is likely a move even more left by many high schoolers as a move right by pretending no other axis exist than conservative/liberal. Only 35% said either label. The overwhelming majority didnt pick a label.
I just awoke from 21ks of sleep.
Ok great, we worked out what to do on election day. Now, what are we going to do the rest of the time? We must organize and build political structures outside the two parties, must force action to change the way the fundamental government of the United States operates so that it is a democratic body void of money, gerrymandering, the senate, and the nature of the Supreme Court. Congresspeople must represent a realistic and small number of people.