I’ve found that Target ships counterfeit items time to time, as well as shoddy returned items. Amazon does the same. I typically buy my electronics from Best Buy because i know they sort those items into Open Box deals instead.
Ironically, many of them turn out this way. Speaking from personal experience.
It was an original thought I laughed my head off with my ex and wrote down with a pen and paper about 15 years ago. So… I guess?
I watch it constantly. It’s soooooo good.
Lookin' like a baked bean...
SmartTubeNext on AndroidTV. Complete with SponsorBlock and everything.
So... another 50 cents if purchased through India?
Wtf I just bought Commander Keen on Steam a few days ago!
For the same price, Apple Music provides lossless audio quality, Dolby Atmos, 4K music videos (you can’t even get those on YouTube), karaoke (Apple Music Sing), and a personalized radio station that doesn’t feed you the exact same stuff every week. Plus you can use third-party apps like Marvis Pro with your AM subscription, so you’re not locked to one app’s GUI.
I wish all memes had the OpenDyslexic font, ngl.
You’re looking for Stremio / Syncler.