I do get your point and agree.
But Id just like to point out that there is no such thing as "compiled" languages. The compiler or interpretor is the implementation of the spec. Did you know that there are interpreted versions of c?
I do get your point and agree.
But Id just like to point out that there is no such thing as "compiled" languages. The compiler or interpretor is the implementation of the spec. Did you know that there are interpreted versions of c?
Serious answer: maybe just describe your land details to like chatgpt and ask how you can make the land "economically productive"
lol guys I think this is a shit post
That's some Wiley Coyote shit if I ever saw it.
All that dirt on his back must explain his poor posture
Damn this dude can't even pull out of his driveway
Chucky Dream aka Iron Girls aka Jessica Valero
Got the same letter today. Disgusting.
Wow I don't think I've seen her in maybe 20 years. Looking great 👍👍 👍
Columbine wasn't the first. And Luke Woodham would like a word with you.
The only option. I'm 43 and still using the one from middle school.