Canada has oil, so either they will join the fascists or be subjugated by them.
Why can't I quit you
Don't underestimate the latent (and sometimes obvious) thread of eugenics in this country and it's "leadership" class.
If you can't see the difference between not being able to get an abortion and your mother being dead, then I pity you and your lack of empathy.
If the overturn of Roe has turned you into a one issue voter, then I will pair you off with a 2nd amendment one issue voter and you can angrily jerk each other off.
Except you can't use medical coverage as a recruiting tool for the military.
The memes live, no matter what platform we are on. #poopknife
Top Secret and Real Genius is a great feature.
Definitely more Groucho than Karl...
Or just an EUtopia.
And they have figured out how to have enough. So much of their stuff sends all the profits to charity.
In Case You Missed It. Not totally germane to this situation, but it’s what came to mind…
Muskrat deadnames his kid. We deadname his company.