Problem is, if they acquire a novel virus, they can basically send us into another pandemic.
This kind of crap hurts everyone.
Problem is, if they acquire a novel virus, they can basically send us into another pandemic.
This kind of crap hurts everyone.
If you're on Android, as well, look into BlueBubbles. It bridges iMessage from a MacOS system to most any device/OS. I've used it for years now with my partner's family with very little issue (all of which were resolved with a restart).
Hard part is getting a MacOS system. I started with a VM, but eventually landed on a ~$100 Mac Mini 2014. Both solutions worked well, but the former is against Apple's TOS and requires spoofing things, so it's ultimately much less reliable than actual hardware.
I don't know much about the creator of GrapheneOS. What's the bad about them? I know they're a little dogmatic, as security/FOSS folk can sometimes be, but I've not heard anything beyond that.
If you are either A) bootloader unlocked or B) using a custom ROM via an exploit, your system is freely open to modification by a physical attacker, regardless.
I had never heard of BangleJS before and wow, that thing is awesome!
I'm neither a JS or Android/iOS developer, and this thing makes me want to try making a Fitbit-like fitness tracker and companion app.
I might seriously get one. I've been on a privacy/declouding kick lately and have somewhat missed my smart watch. This thing looks like great fun.
And if the prospective protestors are comfortable, they'll stop short of their goals. Perhaps very short, if they start at all.
Been on it consistently for over a decade now and have always been funky with sleep. I started back in undergrad when the pressure of life left me spiralling out of control, and have since always thought I was just a weird sleeper.
I have insomnia semi often, usually anxiety-induced, but I've never thought that it could be the bupropion directly.
Very curious, and good to know.