Some of the best television I've seen in a long time. All the emotions. 3rd episode is intense.
BSG is an interesting example. I'm in the middle of a rewatch. Yes on the Earth aspect.
But the opening credits always mention that the cylons have a plan. After the show was over Ronald D. Moore, the show runner, admitted they made up that line because it sounded cool. There was no cylon plan. Disappointing as that part of the show's mythology was teased and I would have liked to know more.
Yeah AI is great for this kinda stuff. My personal favorite use is "make is concise"
Canada is shifting its energy exports away from the U.S. toward European and Asian markets due to American protectionist tariffs. This strategic diversification of Canadian oil, gas, and minerals could weaken U.S. energy security and global influence while raising American energy costs. Canada's resources currently benefit the U.S. by supporting reserves, lowering costs, and enabling exports. As Canada develops more capacity to supply global allies directly, particularly with electricity that could power America's growing AI sector, this reorientation may significantly alter global energy geopolitics.
Whatever you do, don't stick your tongue out like a rock star with Jesus on your tongue. I've found this upsets the nuns. Well maybe it was just me that upset the nuns. A young atheist in a Catholic school was interesting.