I dont think the math checks out buddy
So either we found a stray tankie or all of the second picture is taken on Putin's forehead.
The amount of fumbling people trying to interpret this meme is only akin to the followers of brian in life of brian! This tumblr's shall be hailed both as a prophet of gender affirmation and as a lowly scum trying to dive in the depths of depravity that is the dark web. A genuine point of contention. I am truly amazed!
Me. I use arch btw.
Υπάρχουν πολλές καμηλοπαρδάλεις στην Ελλάδα... Δεν.
Porn is getting more realistic by the hour.
I would say publicly and easily available high rate of fire guns were not always in your wallmart shopping lists no ?
I dont think you know how this meme works
Uga uga i dont know anything to do with computers but linux good windows bad give me upvote now uga.
I do not understand why leberals are supposed to be left wing. Given that free market concepts are far from left wing and the height of liberal ideas.