I don’t think the infant is an ancestor of anyone. But I’m no expert in this field.
War sucks man, these people didn’t want to be dragged to another country to die in some snow covered field.
Bonds only exist so poor people are punished more than rich people.
The kinder tone is just so it blows over. Then it remains the same, or at best crumbs are given for a while, to get worse again.
Haha, perhaps.
Same man, getting distracted is so easy these days. Lemmy does feel better than Reddit so that is a plus, but man, times wasted scrolling endlessly consuming, not creating is like eating food that’s not good for you. Yeah it satisfies cravings but rarely leaves you satisfied for long.
Im really starting to wonder which great filter is going to wipe us all out at this rate. Leaning towards a when, not an if.
Profit is what remains after paying your executives large sums of money.
Crazy remember the Cell processor being hailed as really fast and supercomputers were built with it.
What does that even mean, you have like “four letters” and dna strands of millions long. Like how selective do you have to be. I’m sure you can basically write anything that way.
Are there entire chunks that are inactive that would give feathers, that at some point gave feathers to our ancestors?
Yes, it was in the quote. ;-) Not your reaction to it.