[-] milicent_bystandr@lemm.ee 64 points 1 week ago

Just, um, don't invite that guy who helped out with the xz tools...

[-] milicent_bystandr@lemm.ee 125 points 1 month ago

LPT: instead of throwing your playstation away after each game, try turning it off and on again to choose a new game.

[-] milicent_bystandr@lemm.ee 107 points 2 months ago

Make your MIT-licensed library big enough that the corpos use it, then switch it to AGPL just before you add a really important and tricky feature they've been waiting for.

[-] milicent_bystandr@lemm.ee 148 points 4 months ago

There's an old joke about two mathematicians in a cafe. They're arguing about whether ordinary people understand basic mathematics. The first mathematician says yes, of course they do! And the second disagrees.

The second mathematician goes to the toilet, and the first calls over their blonde waitress. He says to her, "in a minute my friend is going to come back from the toilet, and I'm going to ask you a question. I want you to reply, "one third x cubed.'"

"One ther desque," she repeats.

"One third x cubed," the mathematician tries again.

"One thir dek scubed."

"That'll do," he says, and she heads off. The second mathematician returns from the toilet and the first lays him a challenge. "I'll prove it. I'll call over that blonde waitress and ask her a simple integration question, and see if she can answer." The second mathematician agrees, and they call her over.

"My friend and I have a question," the first mathematician asks the waitress. "Do you know what is the integral of x squared?"

"One thir dek scubed," she answers and the second mathematician is impressed and concedes the point.

And as she walks away, the waitress calls over her shoulder,

"Plus a constant."

[-] milicent_bystandr@lemm.ee 81 points 4 months ago

At this stage kernel 2.6 is ancient culture.

[-] milicent_bystandr@lemm.ee 62 points 4 months ago

Who stop at 60? Immortal dogs!

This is your father's dog. An elegant puppy for a more civilised age. Take care of it, you and your descendents, for it will outlive you all.

Oh wait, now I realised that's basically r2d2

[-] milicent_bystandr@lemm.ee 93 points 4 months ago

This world is full of conflicts and full of things that cannot be reconciled. But there are moments when we can reconcile and embrace the whole mess, and that's what I mean by 'Hallelujah.'

His original version, recorded on his 1984 album Various Positions, contains allusions to several biblical verses, including the stories of Samson and Delilah from the Book of Judges ("she cut your hair") as well as King David and Bathsheba ("you saw her bathing on the roof, her beauty and the moonlight overthrew you").

You didn't really read your linked source, did you? It references Bathsheba but - if I understand right - isn't really about that, per se.

[-] milicent_bystandr@lemm.ee 101 points 8 months ago

https://xkcd.com/963/ (October 2011)

[Mouseover text] Thomas Jefferson thought that every law and every constitution should be torn down and rewritten from scratch every nineteen years--which means X is overdue.

[-] milicent_bystandr@lemm.ee 92 points 9 months ago

I'll be the old stodger voice and mention that taking 5 minutes from time to time to not be stimulated is good for mental health, and apparently creativity too.

... And then I'll put in my vote for Simon Tatham's puzzle collection. (In F-droid as Puzzles, app by Chris Boyle)

[-] milicent_bystandr@lemm.ee 64 points 9 months ago

* cracks knuckles * Time to roll out a federated, truly open source generative AI and use it to ((checks notes)) mock Disney.

[-] milicent_bystandr@lemm.ee 98 points 11 months ago

Correct. But climate change is specifically the fault only of this Grandma.

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