Looks natural and I like the arch shape. Nice job on the aquascaping! Shrimps, snails, and cories sound very low maintenance indeed. :)
No bad angles. Rainier's one of the prettiest mountains:)
I like this one (although there are some really good ideas here!). It's a spin on the original name and unique to the Fediverse. Also not everything needs to be inclusive. It's just a place meant for guys to shoot the shit. Changing the name that way would take away from the comedy imo. And anyway you can pose as a dull man on the internet, who's gonna know? Lol ;)
List it on Craigslist or Autotrader and see what you can get. I doubt you will get any bites with such an expensive repair bill coming in the future. If no one is interested, then just take whatever instant offer Carvana will give you because you won't do any better than that.
Is this AI at work? What a trip!
American craft beers get pretty crazy and experimental! You also have styles like black IPA, hazy IPA, cream ale, pumpkin ale, steam beer, and bourbon barrel beer that are all very American
Yeah what the heck is this take? Lol Mexico has no good beers, decent sure. It is not a beer destination
Never heard of these before. Looks like some kind of heron!
This is what I'm doing! Subscribe to anything and everything I might even have the smallest interest in
Over the years I've learned it's ok to ignore if it seems like someone wants to pick a fight. Not everything has to be a debate, and no it doesn't make you look weak. You just got better shit to do than argue with strangers on the internet. :)
Yeah I like the feature too. For Voyager, it's for accounts under 30 days old