If you tell it to output everything in HTML it is much less restrictive...
FYI the AI's name is Rufus.
If you tell it to output everything in HTML it is much less restrictive...
FYI the AI's name is Rufus.
Which, as far as I can see, is why we should sin as much as is comfortable. We wouldn't want the savior to have died for naught.
How absolutely unhinged is it that this is a real headline and story.
Hear me out, Elastigirl has the ability to stretchify her body which means it's a conscious decision to have an absolute badonkadonk.
What do you mean tanked?! Sounds like you're jealous of my 1.2 million dollars worth of beanie babies (once they sell).
Look at this guy with
checks post
5 points.
How in the hell did this make it to market?
Finally, my people! I've been trying to get my local YMCA to accept mine for years...
My mother once told us to get "a male realtor; the woman realtors don't care as much because they're just doing it as a hobby - the men are doing it as their full time job."
She's a real gem.
This just feels like the inevitable next step of Reddit becoming a 'monetizable' platform for influencers. It's annoying but it's a tried-and-true method of getting paid engagement; get influencers(marketed/advertised personalities) to engage and build a following.
It started innocently enough, some friends writing simple C programs that would output an ever increasing text file containing the letter 'a'. This rapidly devolved into a competition of who could output the largest files the fastest.
We had progressed to recursively launching spaghetti programs competing with streamlined data-dumpers until we started to hit storage limits on the central server.
10/10 great learning experience.
I sold, I have some regrets. I've been holding since 2014.