[-] mydoomlessaccount@infosec.pub 14 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

"Can't teach an old dog new tricks" is one that's very pertinent to my life right now.

So, I was a pretty dedicated musician in my younger years, but I've never quite gotten around to learning how to produce music digitally. Recently, I've been trying to learn. Thing is, since I'm in my early 30s, I'm only just now hitting that age where my neuroplasticity isn't what it was when I was 20, and learning things is starting to become noticeably a little more difficult.

So, that's where I think the expression comes from. You get older, you try to learn something new, you underestimate how much more difficult learning that new thing is at your current age (because, honestly, you have no way to gauge how hard it'll be until you're doing it), the challenge gets the better of you, and now you have to admit defeat.

"Can't teach an old dog new tricks" is basically a different way of saying "No, no! I'm not owned!! I didn't lose!!!" It's a way of shielding oneself from the sting of defeat by framing it as "well, that's just the way things are when you're older." It's not that you couldn't rise up to the challenge of learning. You just cannot teach old dogs new tricks, and that's a fact. Don't you hear people say that all the time? Why would people say it so much if it weren't true? So, yeah. I didn't lose. I'm not owned.

It's an especially harsh process when you're learning to do something related to something you already know really well, and struggling with it, like I am with music production. It makes you question how well you really knew that thing in the first place. But, like I said, I'm only in my early 30s. If I were 60 and struggling to learn a new way to do something I've been doing my whole life, I'm sure it'd be wayyy more demoralizing. I'm sure I'd want to guard my feelings from that.

So, I get why the expression exists. I just don't think it holds any real weight. People treat it like it's some fact of life, but it's just an excuse. You've just gotta keep pushing, be prepared to accept failure when it rears its ugly head, and then muster the energy to get back up and get back on as many times as you can before you're beat. Easier said than done, though.

[-] mydoomlessaccount@infosec.pub 16 points 4 months ago

I guess because that was always the intended messaging of the kind of schlocky Facebook posts the original is meant to be parodying. It used to be "this wise soldier/farmer/cop/blue collar worker shows a Millennial hipster how the world REALLY works," and now you replace 'Millennial hipster' with 'liberal', but it's all the same shit designed to get you to look down on someone while respecting whoever the meme tells you is worth respecting.

To be honest, I think the novel author in the replies had some valid points. They just had the poor sense of awareness that would lead them to making those points against an obvious parody, and then going "nuh-uh I'm still right" when it was pointed out to be obvious parody with yet more obvious parody.

I guess my point is we should all be taking a step back from the online brainrot, doing more to act locally and benefit the world around us, and supporting our local sewer men.

[-] mydoomlessaccount@infosec.pub 19 points 4 months ago

And with reckless abandon if you wanna get REAL fuckin wild

[-] mydoomlessaccount@infosec.pub 18 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Geoffrey the Giraffe, the original model for the Toys R Us mascot, tragically gave his life rescuing civilians during the September 11th, 2001, terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City. The image for the mascot was changed out of respect, as the company didn't want to posthumously use his image. The company has since struggled to find a suitable replacement.

[-] mydoomlessaccount@infosec.pub 16 points 5 months ago

Just comes down to whether you want the prison to be external or internal

[-] mydoomlessaccount@infosec.pub 17 points 5 months ago

Staying hyped for Dreamsettler even though I still have no clue what it's about outside of "also a '98 - '02 internet simulator" let's goooooooooo

[-] mydoomlessaccount@infosec.pub 14 points 5 months ago

Rules for thee, not for m[y preferred politicians, but I'm too blatantly ignorant to understand that the rules are absolutely also for m]e

[-] mydoomlessaccount@infosec.pub 13 points 5 months ago

Wow. I can't believe that actually worked.

(Tip: you have to keep it in there for a pretty absurdly-long time, or it'll still come out kind of raw. Basically, hold it in until you think you can't possibly hold it anymore, and then add another 2 hours)

[-] mydoomlessaccount@infosec.pub 15 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

I often wonder why I never see any sites with like a bi/pan mode that just lets it all fly and shows you everything on the site all at once. Having to constantly switch back and forth throws off my battle rhythm.

[-] mydoomlessaccount@infosec.pub 19 points 7 months ago

I always figured it was your lower esophageal sphincter (the one by your stomach) kinda, like..spasming when you swallow, and then being seized up when the water tries to pass through, leading you to have to swallow extra-hard and force it through.

The resulting pain would be from having forced it, and feel like it's in your chest 'cause abdominal pains can tend to be pretty imprecise.

But, I know absolutely nothing about medicine or the human body, so don't take my word for that. These are just the ramblings of a filth-strewn peasant trying to make sense of the world around him.

[-] mydoomlessaccount@infosec.pub 19 points 7 months ago

To be fair, from this screenshot, I can't concretely tell if he's actually speaking words. He could be staring in the camera going "ma ma ma bababa wiwiwihiiiiiiiii baba" for 10 minutes straight. I turned my phone all the way up, but the picture still doesn't have sound, so I don't know :(

[-] mydoomlessaccount@infosec.pub 13 points 7 months ago

"Hello I would like you to fuck in me please"

(Accidentally typed in all caps first, which I think is way funnier, but I didn't want to startle anyone by being too loud on the internet)

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