I hate when programs use home dir for config, data and god forbid, cache. Having .
is not an excuse, people. Use .config or literally anywhere else.
joined 2 months ago
Tankies are the kind of people who would definitely sell their soul for Trump if they had read another single blog post few years ago.
Yes, you are very smart. Congratulations on having the most convoluted, psychopathic president in the world. You've clearly taught that genocide Joe a lesson.
I'd prefer storage over that
Well I live in South Korea and I'm pretty sure my answer is not going be the same.
But seriously, don't drink if you're pregnant. It's not that hard: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fetal_alcohol_spectrum_disorder
soap tax
Keep talking like that and you'll never do both of them.
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After all, don't we all live in the