
joined 2 months ago
[–] 0 points 16 hours ago (1 children)

Is there some kind of alternativeto astroturfing going on today? I see they just rolled out a website redesign, but I literally only know them as a spammy SEO-bait site I wind up clicking accidentally when I look for software recs. Everything on the site is generic and AI-generated as hell. Tons of ads, AI generated images, and dark patterns.

Mods, take note.

[–] 15 points 18 hours ago (1 children)

Honestly I wish Kagi would build their own full Firefox fork and maintain it independently. I already pay for search, I wouldn't mind paying for my browser if it actually respected me!

[–] 3 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Just a nitpick, while 'brighter' belongs in objective Pros (as long as the minimum brightness is as dark or even darker than the last gen), 'bigger' isn't a Pro. People have different size preferences and we have spiralled so far beyond the smaller end of size preferences we're actually getting into 'too big for anyone' screens if we go much larger.

FFS, reduce the bezel and keep the screen the same damn size. I know some people love big screens but it is hardly 100% of customers.

[–] 1 points 6 days ago (9 children)

Recently switched from a 4a (literally what you just described -- it even actually has an aux port) to an iPhone 13 Mini.

The Mini is a better size. Better build. Better standby battery life. Better performance from the A15. No fingerprint unlock is a loss, but FaceID is... fine.

I would kill for another Mini.

[–] 8 points 1 week ago

Car-dependent infrastructure is antithetical to wheelchair and blind accessibility anyway. They're much better off in a safer environment free of multi-ton death machines driving 45mph.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

Aha, thank you. Shouldn't have riffed from memory on that one, I suppose!

But very much agreed: the Zero series has plenty of beef for a DNS server. Maybe when the 3 comes out I'll add one as a backup for my 4 server.

[–] 3 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Funny enough, the Pi Zero uses the CPU from the 3 and the Zero 2 uses the CPU from the 3+, so they're both more powerful than a 2 anyway :)

[–] 12 points 1 week ago

Just be sure that the second server in the list is also a black hole. If you don't, all black holed requests will fallback to the second DNS... which, if it doesn't also black hole them, will wind up serving you ads and defeating the point!

Personally I find a single Pi is just fine for DNS. It only takes like 10 seconds to reboot. Less, if you use M.2 storage via a HAT or boot from USB! That's pretty fine downtime. But if you're afraid you'll knock over the network and get yelled at by your family or housemates, best to use a backup :)

[–] 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)

The real answer? Buy a phone older than the 15. You'll never get on-device intelligence. My 13 Mini takes great pictures, performs perfectly, has great battery life as a non-gamer. And it should get at least 3 more years of iOS updates (maybe more? phone specs have really leveled off).

Anything newer, Apple and Google will start pushing intelligence on you simply because your phone can do it.

You could try GrapheneOS as well on a recent Pixel.

[–] 1 points 3 weeks ago

I use Jellyfin to host my music, and Finamp on my phone to browse and listen to it. Finamp supports downloads as well, so you can listen to your music offline and away from home. Pair that with a self-hosted VPN to access Jellyfin away from home and you've got most of your needs covered!

[–] 6 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

GrapheneOS kills support when Google kills security updates, I believe. Source: my Pixel 4a came out in 2020, and Graphene already strongly recommends against using it and dropped updates entirely a few months ago.

Lineage and Pixel Experience ROMs are better at long-term support. But any custom ROM on older non-officially-supported phones is vulnerable to firmware exploits, since those fixes are typically distributed as binaries by the hardware manufacturer (Qualcomm etc). So I understand why Graphene drops support so quick, since they want all Graphene users to benefit from strong security practices.

[–] 5 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

Longevity is worse than non-folding phones, simply because the hinge and folding screen are wear parts.

Camera is worse, because there's less z-distance for lens depth. If they push it with a bigger camera bump, you wind up with a maximum thickness of easily over 15mm very quickly, even if the rest of the phone is thin, that hurts.

Battery life is worse, because two separate batteries with puncture protection, folding screen, digitizer, etc in between are heavier and less power-dense than a single large battery.

And the price is higher because there's more screen, more batteries, more materials, and more R&D to pay back in the hinge and fold mech.

The Z flip is the most tempting to me simply because the height and width are far more attractive than current monster-sized phones. But it's disingenuous to pretend the plastic inner screen (yes, that's literally what that top layer is, not glass), the cost, the inferior battery, and the inferior camera aren't serious compromises.

And all for what? So I can have a giant inner screen? I think my (smaller than any modern phone) phone is already too large, too addicting, and too tough to use with one hand. For serious tasks and videos I use my laptop.

I believe it is awesome for you. But there are downsides.

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