I'm confident it is propaganda, but not having seen it, I don't know what politics it is pushing.
not having seen it, I obviously can't tell you what is messages are.
I have no interest though. do you have a point?
have you read Foucault?
if anyone thinks any of these spammed links is proof, please point it out. I'm not clicking every one. this is the most blatant Gish gallops I've seen in months.
have a nice day..I thought we were done hours ago
I care, and I do work in my community to free us all from oppression. I don't spend time trying to convince Internet strangers to adopt my ideology.
no, I'm examining your position, and the evidence provided, and found that they are insufficient.
I haven't seen them, but I do know they work with the pentagon, so my guess is they aim to legitimize American hegemony and military spending
it shows that the evidence you've provided doesn't actually support your claim
no, she didn't.