You didn't actually read the article did you? I am shocked. Shocked, I tell you.
Just wait till you get to the part where God makes a human version of himself that he sends down to the planet to be killed by the humans which for some reason will open the door to a perfect place that he could have opened at any time he wanted
I am sickiof big government Republicans
...because we're scared of you and masks
Ummm that sounds like you are cool as shit.
Won't you be my neighbor?
I think using 1000 bullets in your home to kill roaches would be...ya know what, nah, go for it
Modern satanists don't believe in Satan or Jesus
I use windows at work and I can say...fuck printers in general
Or if you don't like the article, check up on it from other sources instead of burying your head in the sand?
Edit: a word
Can you give some insight to this?
Wouldn't that just be poser every day?
It was used correctly in this instance. The actual joke is centered on him saying that it is literally everyone else.