Contrarianism I reckon
Idk looks fine to me (minus the doll)
Let me be the Linux evangelist here and say: consider AMD for GPU, they aren't bad.
I didn't mean to offend. But what's a minor spoiler for some might be a major spoiler for others, which is the case for the OP. It'd be pretty sad to miss out on the "when it hits"-moment
Have you tried just surviving? There'll be a pretty obvious hint after some time passes
Wie bitte? Schon mal was von climate justice gehört? Und auch mal drüber nachgedacht?
Terrible. Take my upvote
Those places would be getting further and further away with time, wouldn't they? Not like that's less unsettling
Check the link. The guy sells them
joined 1 year ago
100%. What's your proof? Jokes. Ok buddy