
joined 1 month ago
[–] ricketyrackets@lemmy.ml 25 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Trump is such an utter fucking idiot. Nothing this useless fuck makes any sense. He’s neither a good businessman, leader, or president.

[–] ricketyrackets@lemmy.ml 7 points 1 month ago

Fuck around and find out I guess. America will become a land locked economy soon enough as no other nations will want to do business with them since they can’t be trusted.

Self sanctioning is a bold move on their end. Let’s see how this plays out cotton.

[–] ricketyrackets@lemmy.ml 33 points 1 month ago (6 children)

In fact yes it is. The Walton’s daughter Alice killed another person and got away Scott free.

The “walmartification” of areas where they decimate small mom and pop stores by offering lower priced goods and then jack up the price once those stores are gone.

It’s low pay with zero benefits to its employees is also bad.

And from a moral standpoint, as a proud Canadian: Fuck the American corporations.

[–] ricketyrackets@lemmy.ml 21 points 1 month ago (9 children)

I will no longer be supporting Walmart, even after the tariffs are dealt with.

[–] ricketyrackets@lemmy.ml 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I think “businessman” is a little misleading. Snake oil grifter is a closer description of how he ran.

We all know he’s a failed businessman. Who else can bankrupt a casino multiple times?

America just played their Trump card and they got themselves good and fucked.

[–] ricketyrackets@lemmy.ml 12 points 1 month ago (3 children)

What about capital markets and the freedom to choose where to spend your money? Elmo can go get pegged by Trump.

[–] ricketyrackets@lemmy.ml 2 points 1 month ago

This is the most accurate statement. There’s a reason why Trump wants Greenland, Canada, and Panama. Russia also wants all these. Wants free reign to move their boats and military through these areas and to be able to use the Panama Canal again.

The more I see all the stuff going on here, the more I am coming to realize that the orange taintstainy is just a Putin muppet puppet.

Everything this man does seems to appease Russia.

[–] ricketyrackets@lemmy.ml 8 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Donald Trump is such a fucking loser. An absolute grifter and would be better in the ground than breathing.

Fuck Donald Trump and his band of loser magas.

[–] ricketyrackets@lemmy.ml 4 points 1 month ago

A lot of Americans, just like Canadians are docile non confrontational people, myself included. Peace is always better than war.

That being said, this gives a country like Canada and Mexico the opportunity to fight for us for once and not let the U.S. steamroll us into submission.

This also allows for the EU whom the Trump administration is also going after with threats of Tariffs the opportunity to prepare for a trade war that benefits them.

However, I personally don’t think Trump has the cognitive capacity to get this or come up with these ideas on his own. He’s far too stupid at this point. These threats are being presented to him from other people in my opinion.

[–] ricketyrackets@lemmy.ml 14 points 1 month ago (3 children)

America is doomed. It won’t take long for the great orange taintstainy to realize that once he tarrifs the world, he’ll be fucked.

[–] ricketyrackets@lemmy.ml 2 points 1 month ago

They are traitors. Smith has already shown she’s sympathetic to the Trump administration and she’s going down for the prayer breakfast on taxpayer money, and PPs meeting with private healthcare companies in the U.S.


They’re both sellouts, and massive losers.

[–] ricketyrackets@lemmy.ml 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I get what you’re saying, but 2 things.

Americans hold onto the 2nd ammendment like it’s still needed when clearly the British aren’t the issue.

More importantly ,by doing nothing, this is how facism explodes. Enjoy.

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