Is retirement gonna be a thing in 20-30 years ?
joined 1 month ago
Somehow trump returned
Sums it up. It’s not like he already said that he’s looking into ways to expand his term.
I was already thinking about adding the nsfw tag
It’s either that or getting nothing done the entire day because the appointment is looming in the near but not so near future.
Das trickelt alles down
… und das ist schlimmer denn es könnte mein Auto sein. Menschen besitze ich keine.
Sympathisch man kann sich unterhalten
That’s a long time. Godspeed
Thanks, it will. Just takes time. How about you?
Not that good really. Everything sucks rn.
I mean I always wondered about some of their integrity, especially when judge Thomas was shown to have accepted presents repeatedly and „failed to disclose them“ and nothing really happened.