So you agree that we should heavily invest in building EV charging infrastructure?
Where is the xkcd talking about cars?
In this thread
Don't forget about VW software being a steaming pile of unresponsive, buggy trash.
Yes. There's the possibility that people will actually change by acting in unison. But the probability for society to act in unison isn't really high. Just look at the world now. Some people can't even agree on weapons not being something you need to carry around 24/7. And you want them to agree on something that'd actually affect their daily life?
How should sync do it in your opinion?
Yeah, the numbers were "killed by police". Not murdered, i was just taking OPs phrasing.
No, I really think you've seen too much unrealistic information. Or project American news onto Germany.
Nobody in Germany is likely to get murdered by police. Check the statistics. The numbers are small enough (around 10/year) that you can look up every case in a year. I won't deny that the police got some big problems. But coming up with completely wrong arguments isn't helping anything.
War bei mir letztes Jahr soweit. Inzwischen fahre ich wirklich gerne und auch viel. Von alltäglichen Sachen wie einkaufen, an angenehmen Tagen in die Arbeit, bis hin zu einer Tour am Wochenende zu meinen 50km entfernt wohnenden Eltern und am nächsten Tag zurück mach ich inzwischen alles damit worauf ich Bock habe. War wirklich eine tolle Entscheidung. Gute Fahrt und viel Spaß!
Okay, das klingt wirklich Lebensverändernd! Dann drücke ich dir die Daumen, dass alles so wird wie du es dir erhoffst!
Ich bin immer noch traurig, dass es Hela Tomatenketchup fruchtig nicht mehr gibt. Das war mMn das beste. Mit Abstand!
What other benefits do they have? Do they have less wear or are cheaper per Wh to produce?
Or at least, about to be when production ramps up further?