The whole idea to check the donations came from stumbling upon this post which discussed costs per user. Even $1/mo is quite a bit more than the average user cost. So $2 isn't so measly when putting it into that perspective!

In fairness websites from 2000-2004 werent all that better

Were there better ways to make a site? Absolutely, but it is much less wild than if you told me that this happened last week. Plus i would hope they were just churning out websites for cheap since a lot places didn't have a website, or they used geocities/similar

[-] 9 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

AGPL is the most restrictive OSI approved license (of the commonly used ones), but it is still a free (libre) open source license. My understanding is just that the AGPL believes in the end-users rights to access to the open source needs to be maintained and therefore places some burden to make the source available if it it's being run on a server.

In general, companies run away from anything AGPL, however, some companies will get creative with it and make their source available but in a way that is useless without the backend. And even if they don't maliciously comply with the license, they can still charge for their services.

As far as documentation goes, you could license documentation under AGPL, and people could still charge for it. It would just need to be kept available for end-users which i don't think is really a barrier to use for documentation.

Kebab or snake for ease of parsing through them.

Either i wasn't clear or you are replying to the wrong person, but i am in support of foss projects asking for donations in a reasonable manor such as this

There is an option to disable it permanently. Otherwise it is once a year and easily dismissed

Never. For the most part i haven't had a question that hasn't already asked or that couldn't be answered from reading the docs or some other source. For the cases i get stuck i ask the question to a more focused group

Thanks! I'll add that to my list to check out

Well to speak of the obvious- open source. I've heard good things about obsidian but i am not trusting a closed source app with my notes/ mind-maps

This project looks pretty promising, and is open source.

Pull request aka merge request. Part of the approval process to add/ update code in a repository

Alright, which one of you 🙈 the PR last night

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