They require an amount of personal info that I don't really want a company to have.
Any browser is an alternative to any other browser, IMO. They all have the same purpose.
SimpleX is great, polished and easy to use also. And it can be used over Tor, if that's desired.
At a professional office in the American South, I wouldn't drink alcohol for lunch, but if a coworker brought some into the office, I'd have some.
Eating cheese in food like pizza or lasagna upsets my stomach a lot, but eating cheese off a block is fine. 🤔
I use Ironfox and Fulguris (for when something doesn't work in IF). They're both good. Ceno is also interesting for its p2p/ anti-censorship features, although it's slow when not on wifi.
It's an amazing game. The sprat rescue...
Most distros have official forums, and may have sections specifically for people using Linux for the first time, which can also be great sources of information.
This is a frequent source of frustration for me, too. Can't even tell if it's cli or gui a lot of the time, based on the documentation. If I could just see what it looks like, I'd have a good idea right away of whether it might meet my needs.
My hate comes from wanting it to work like LView Pro. There's no Linux image manipulation program that comes close to meeting the standard they set in 2001.
Wow, I did not know that.
Most email clients I've used can work with either, but there's no point in using both.