[-] sweng@programming.dev -1 points 7 hours ago

How many nuclear-capable countries have been invaded since WW2?

[-] sweng@programming.dev 41 points 8 hours ago* (last edited 7 hours ago)

in the West Bank, Gaza and east Jerusalem.

[-] sweng@programming.dev -2 points 8 hours ago

If this war has thought us anything, it's that you can do whatever you want, as long as you have nukes. I have a feeling that is a much more dangerous result, than what a minor escalation may cause.

[-] sweng@programming.dev 31 points 3 weeks ago

Whether it's a good thing or not depends entirely on your philosophical views. There is no objectively correct answer, and which arguments may convince someone very much depends on the values and perspectives of the person you are trying to convince.

[-] sweng@programming.dev 24 points 2 months ago

Being in the government often leads to reduced popularity.

Consider the options:

  1. No early election. RN popularity continues to rise, and they take the presidency and parliament in 2027. Result: Complete power for 5 years.
  2. Early election. RN wins, and forms a new government. While being the ruling party, they lose in popularity and lose the elections in 2027. Result: limited power for 3 years.

To me it seems quite clear that option 2 is preferable to 1 for Macron.

[-] sweng@programming.dev 27 points 2 months ago

How is that the implication when there are lots of other explanations, one even given above?

If the target costs more than the missile (including the opportunity cost), and/or the target is a high priority for repairs, it makes sense to target it. It doesn't need to be more complicated than that.

[-] sweng@programming.dev 20 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

You forget a piece: "Given these observations, these objectives, and this bit of sound reasoning, ..."

Without objectives, no amount of reasoning will tell you what to do. Who sets the objectives?

[-] sweng@programming.dev 29 points 6 months ago

Wouldn't static type checking solve most of these issues?

[-] sweng@programming.dev 22 points 6 months ago

Good question.

The light output would be the same because there is still only one light source. But as you note, some of the "light" would be absorbed by the wall, so the room would be brighter if you had a mirror. Not twice as bright though, because the wall also "reflects" light, otherwise you would not see the wall.

So, would it make sense to have mirror walls to maximize room brightness? Maybe not, because what the walls end up doing is actually scattering the light, meaning light is spread out evenly, wheras with the mirrors you would have some bright areas (corresponding to the lamp) and some darker areas.

[-] sweng@programming.dev 24 points 7 months ago

Why host it locally in that case, and why host it on a Pi? Seems rather restrictive for that usecase.

[-] sweng@programming.dev 87 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

You would think so, but int* a, b is actually eqivalent to int* a; int b, so the asterisk actually does go with the name. Writing int* a, *b is inconsistent, so int *a, *b is the way to go.

[-] sweng@programming.dev 31 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

I feel like the expectation that a developer can do it all is quite harmful. There are not many other disciplines where this is expected, and for good reason.

Maybe it's better to just admit you don't know how to properly architect a solution rather than pretend you do and create an unmaintainable mess. Maybe you shouldn't pretend you know how to do front-end development instead of creating some monstrosity that no user actually uses due to bad UX. Maybe you shouldn't pretend you understand security instead of introducing half a dozen sql injection vectors.

Maybe it's time to admit that the days of the solo developer are over. It may have worked when there was no internet, no security concerns, no concurrency requirements, etc. But we expect, and deserve, better nowadays.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by sweng@programming.dev to c/suomi@sopuli.xyz

Volt Suomi on paneurooppalainen liike: emme näe Euroopan unionin liittovaltiokehitystä uhkana, vaan suorastaan mahdollisuutena ratkaista meidän eurooppalaisten yhteisiä ongelmia. Voltissa on näkyvillä myös sen edistyksellisyys – emme jämähdä menneisyyteen, vaan pysymme ajassa mukana ja tähtäämme tulevaisuuteen. Haluamme olla mukana ylläpitämässä ja kehittämässä päätöksenteon demokraattisuutta, ihmisten tasa-arvoa ja sekä heidän vaikuttamismahdollisuuksiaan.

Jos on sitä mieltä että puoluekenttä tarvitsee vähän ravistelua, niin kannattaa allekirjoittaa riippumatta siitä mitä mieltä puolueesta on. Koska Volt on yleiseurooppalainen puolue, on todennäköistä että tänne suomeenkin voi virrata uusia ideoita ja tapoja tehdä politiikkaa.

Käykää samalla kannattamassa muitakin potentiaalisia puolueita.

edit: Jaahas, huomasin vasta nyt että kun postaa Lemmyyn niin voi antaa linkin TAI kuva, ei molempia. Eli tarkoittamani linkki jäikin puuttumaan. Onneksi pystyy muokkamaan jälkikäteen (mikä tosin on kyllä vähän epäilyttävä ominaisuus noin muuten)

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