What are you talking about? We've been getting trickled on for years now. Oh wait that's piss.
I think ranked choice voting and the popular vote interstate compact can happen at the state level. Just needs more local campaigning.
Then people would feel more empowered to vote for who they really want. I think that would be a big push towards nominating an actual progressive candidate.
Capital by Karl Marx + Friedrich Engels
I'm not far into it yet, but it's pretty fucking brilliant so far.
I don't really like the "as intended" take because it fails Hanlon's Razor. Even Karl Marx understood that Capitalism is doomed to a crisis and revolution cycle, not because that's what anyone wants, but because it is a law of nature.
The same is true of first-past-the-post voting.
The resolve to tear it down is still plausible though. I don't know whether it is possible to escape capitalism without a revolution. The alternative is a perfect storm of progressive legislation that seems unlikely to occur in my lifetime.
I'll move my foot to its dedicated spot in your ass.
- Red Foreman
I would vote for Bernie in a heartbeat.
He seems to always be on the right side of history, he understands the root causes of our national crises, and he has solutions.
Problem: Two-party system, voter apathy.
Solution: Ranked choice voting, remove electoral college (popular vote interstate compact).
Problem: Bought elections.
Solution: Repeal Citizens United.
Problem: Federal deficit spending.
Solution: Reform government contracts with private corpos so we're not getting gouged. Repurpose military budget. Tax the rich.
Problem: Ignorant and misinformed voting population.
Solution: More school funding, pay teachers more.
Problem: All surplus value is siphoned away from the working class.
Solution: Tax incentives for employee-owned companies. More support for unions.
Problem: Consumer price gouging.
Solution: Break up monopolies, punish anti-competitive behavior.
Problem: Irresponsible banking.
Solution: Un-repeal Glass-Steagall.
Problem: Expensive healthcare.
Solution: Universal healthcare. Don't even try to tell me we can't afford it.
Obama’s change never materialized
Is ObamaCare a joke to you?
But corporate profits will continue soaring as the wealth gap spreads like the cheeks of the working class getting fucked up the ass.
Both Clinton and Reagan were economic neoliberals. It is neoliberal policy that has fucked us.
Is this significantly different from the QBitTorrent search engine?
Not necessarily. Just make sure the best projects are pinned or listed on your resume. Nobody has time to crawl through your entire GitHub anyway.
Try reading the article.