Jacinda Ardern
I brought a little boa onto a plane many years ago. Cargo pants were in back then.
I believe that all things happen in love and in war, usually because of rotten bastards who exploit human vulnerability as a sport.
My dad told me that I should date a man for at least two years before having sex. He said this when I was a 40 year old divorcee. And he really wasn't a man who had any business giving advice on romance or morality.
Go to bed early so you can get a good night's sleep. I have heard this so many times, and I'm convinced it was the cause of many sleepless nights. It's probably great advice for people with a normal circadian rhythm, but it's useless for those with a non-standard chronotype. That shit is baked into your DNA, and medicine currently has no idea how to change it. Especially since it's so much easier just to blame the night owl.
Years ago, I was working on a house where there were several nests of these wicked looking red wasps. I had been working around them all morning quite safely. At lunch, I drank half a beer, and was almost immediately stung twice when I went back to work. I don't know if it affected my timing or my scent, or something else.
My old partner and I used to travel to rural areas in our rv, to work on low income ppl's houses, as part of a different government program, and our clients often gave us some of their commodities. That cheese made some mighty good tacos. I used to make them directly on the propane flame to melt the cheese and toast the tortilla. We'd stuff them with avocado and alfalfa sprouts because we were hippy weirdos. The honey was great, too.
When certain people have the freedom to hurt others, no one is safe.
The older you get, the more of your belongings fall into this category. But my favorite ones are the wool blankets I've knitted. There's one I've been wrapping up in for about six years, and I kinda hope they bury me in it when I croak.
Plain ol pinto beans. One summer, my dad was really strapped for cash, and we ate beans every day for at least a month, and I never got tired of them. I still love them now, almost 50 years later.
What a great lineup! Judy Mowatt is one of my favorite singers, a criminally underrated talent.