I hope part of the plan is seizing any assets musk has in the country
Same, too many people on here have a defeatist mindset and it baffles me.
Exactly, thank you.
I was raised in America as well.
I am sad for the way you were raised, in my entire extended family there is not one woman who would have put up with it or had any thought other than self-defense at whatever cost.
Reddit, facebook, quora..........
It's almost as if being a racist douchebag is bad for everyone........
I would think frontier justice would apply nicely in this situation. Just boot the asshole out in the cold and nature will solve the problem for you.
No, if you are using a chromium browser you are using chrome. to some extent or another google is involved. The level of googles involvemnet is different per browser but if you want to elimnate them completly you will probably need some obscure firefox fork. Even then without something like no script blocking googles servers almost every site will collect google analytics.
Proton anti-cheat works with punk buster and what ever garbage gta5 is using now.
I wish more people understood no one can stop you if there is no one to stop you.