[alt text: a screenshot from an app for an airline service, which appears to be showing part of an airliner seating chart. There is a pop-up that says, "Ready to eject Lynda? This action cannot be undone. Flight attendants will eject Lynda from the plane mid-flight. Don't worry, your arrival time will not be impacted." The pop-up has a large blue button that says, "Eject Lynda - $2,703.50". Fine print text below the button says, "Lynda will be able to counter your ejection bid. View Terms"

[-] theangriestbird@beehaw.org 1 points 1 day ago

There was a leak or something a couple days ago, about a conversation they had had internally where they were considering retooling to F2P.

[-] theangriestbird@beehaw.org 4 points 1 day ago

I did not know this one was so close to release! I am glad to see that it is awesome, and now I don't want to know anything else about the game because I want to be surprised!

[-] theangriestbird@beehaw.org 7 points 1 day ago

It's an edit of an old headline. The servers are still shutdown.

[-] theangriestbird@beehaw.org 8 points 2 days ago

that is...hm....


[alt text: an illustration of an elderly man and a middle-aged man standing side-by-side and looking into an open garage. The old man is saying, "One day Son, all this will be yours." The garage is filled floor-to-ceiling with old video game boxes, discs, and cartridges. ]

[-] theangriestbird@beehaw.org 12 points 2 days ago

well yeah, but that's only because the slow death of "generations" will be complete by then. We already have a large swath of casual and/or younger gamers that are still gaming on PS4 because PS5 is too expensive and all the games work fine on PS4. Bump that forward by a generation, and what would you expect to happen? I don't think it's all that wild to expect that for the majority of the PS6's lifespan, 100% of games will also come out on PS5. Hell, I'd bet even low-budget and indies continue to come out on PS4! It'll be like phones - the PS6 is there for the people that want to pay out the nose for the bleeding edge, and the PS5 and Pro will still be there for everyone else that wants a console gaming experience. And all those kids playing fortnite and minecraft? They'll still be playing that on their childhood PS4.

[-] theangriestbird@beehaw.org 16 points 2 days ago

thank you lol, i was aware but probably good that someone adds the context haha

one day... (beehaw.org)

[alt text: text that says, "Goals 😍❤". Below the text is four photos of football (soccer) goal nets.]

[-] theangriestbird@beehaw.org 8 points 2 days ago

there's a reason the announcer does that very pronounced pause between "Duck" and "Hunt"


[alt text: a screenshot of a headline that says, "Concord Players Have Started Killing Themselves".]

[-] theangriestbird@beehaw.org 8 points 2 days ago

that's pretty much it. if you don't like the first, you probably won't like the second. if you DO like the first, you might prefer the second one. personally i bounced off of both of them around 10-15 hours in, for similar reasons, but I did find the 2nd game a little more exciting.

[-] theangriestbird@beehaw.org 24 points 2 days ago

Everyone thinks u a freak but really u like it old-school

is this true? (beehaw.org)

Tanooki Mario (comfy man in pajamas), and uhhhh...well i don't really have a Smash main, I like to play all kinds of different styles. Which I guess also fits the question....

[-] theangriestbird@beehaw.org 12 points 2 days ago

For me, the turnoff with movies specifically is the hard time commitment. It's rare that I have 2-3 hours free uninterrupted, and even if I do, I'm more drawn to the activity that I could put down after an hour if I really wanted to. Also, I'm usually picking up a game or TV show that I've already started, so I'm jumping into a story that I'm already invested in, rather than starting a whole new one.

[-] theangriestbird@beehaw.org 81 points 3 days ago

course not. he's an idiot that stumbled into a profitable gig, and then he let it slip through his kiddie-diddlin' little fingers.


[alt text: a series of posts on tumblr. The first post is a text post by a user called "stephaniexwins", which says, "I made stew. It was awesome. I love potatoes." The next post is a reply post by a user called "potato", which says "i luv u too". The final post is another reply post by potato, which says, "wait what was in the stew".]


[alt text: several screenshots of posts on twitter. The bottom post is a tweet from @DrDisrespect on twitter, which says, "LIVE in 30 minutes. I just installed Deadlock... what the hell is this game? If it's from Valve, I must know. I must... understand the future of multiplayer gaming." This Dr Disrespect tweet is a screenshot being shared by @IntelDeadlock on twitter. Their post includes text that says, "Dr Disrespect is playing Deadlock today! Please avoid queue if you are a minor". The top post is another, later tweet from @IntelDeadlock on twitter, which says, "His entire team left his very first game". The post includes a screenshot of Dr Disrespect's livestream.]


[alt text: text that says: "Me looking for the will to clean the house." Below the text is a frame from Stranger Things, showing the character Jonathan Byers putting his hands to his mouth and shouting, "Will?"]

Happy Friday! (beehaw.org)

[alt text : two frames from Star Wars: Episode 1: The Phantom Menace, depicting a negotiation between the characters Kweye-Gon Jinn and Watt-o. In the top frame, Kweye-Gon is labeled "Management" and he is saying, "Pizza Party will do fine." In the bottom frame, Watt-o is labeled "Over Worked Staff" and he is replying, "Jedi Mind Tricks don't work on me, only money."]

surprise! (beehaw.org)

[alt text: text that says, "Imagine getting sloppy and she looks up at you wearing these bad boys". Below the text is a photo of a pair of holographic prop glasses, which make the wearer look like their eyeballs are cartoonishly bulging out of their sockets.]

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