[-] thrawn@lemmy.world 44 points 1 month ago

Everyone knows a coup is when a candidate steps down and endorses their VP. Biden is still POTUS, with the immense powers of a President, but he has of course been overthrown.

[-] thrawn@lemmy.world 40 points 1 month ago

just because Trump is a felon does not mean we need a prosecutor

lol what the fresh hell is this take. This has to be the first attempt at this weird rhetoric. Does that mean we need the felon?

has anyone here had to deal with a prosecutor firsthand before?

Actually yeah, I got a ticket for running a red light in a weird non-permanent construction detour thing. I hadn’t expected the light to be there since it was on a highway and was part of an unusual u-turn. The cop was sympathetic and told me to go to the court to fight it, and there the prosecutor dropped the charge. I have seen that same court successfully prosecute traffic tickets even without officer testimony, so I was quite pleased.

Honestly even with how corrupt the justice system can be, I’m not sure you’re gonna find many people who have personally had bad experiences with a prosecutor, much less rational people who would choose someone convicted of 34 felonies over a prosecutor.

[-] thrawn@lemmy.world 38 points 1 month ago

This is a near copy paste of this comment

[-] thrawn@lemmy.world 57 points 1 month ago

I’ve been outspoken irl, and even on this site a bit, that I do not believe in Harris or particularly like her. I’m quite fond of human rights though, so I too donated and am hoping for President Harris next year. Even if she ultimately loses, I will not regret losing a bit of money in the defense of democracy.

[-] thrawn@lemmy.world 35 points 2 months ago

Thought some of you would find this entertaining. I think I remember The Hill being extremely biased towards Clinton during the 2016 primary, and it’s interesting to see that continue.

I know this post is gonna get downvoted lmao, it’s a pretty garbage and tone-deaf take, but it’s still kind of relevant and I thought it was funny

[-] thrawn@lemmy.world 56 points 2 months ago

I googled girlfriend asmr and honestly it’s pretty cringe, the primal part of me really does wanna bully this dude. But I set that part aside because I try not to be an asshole for no reason, as it does not benefit anyone including myself. Even if we reflexively think these thoughts due to society and upbringing, we don’t have to give into them, much less spend real time introducing more negativity into the world by voicing them.

I grew up in Texas with very traditional masculine bs. Some part of me would read what I just said and think “what a pussy”. But I promise you I’m much happier now that I’ve learned to set the negativity aside, and I like to think I make fewer people feel bad regularly. There is no downside to this because, well, there’s no real benefit to shitting on people who aren’t hurting anybody.

[-] thrawn@lemmy.world 43 points 5 months ago

Ton Cruise is incredibly successful, vastly more successful than better people with no baggage. It’s kind of weird because Cruise’s cult is way, way worse than the slap. But Cruise also seems to be more talented and outwardly likable and his cult is pretty good at staying hidden.

[-] thrawn@lemmy.world 36 points 9 months ago

I’m sure that doesn’t hurt, but I think it’s primarily from being #1 on that list of private jet emissions. Easiest to remember who #1 is and keep talking about that.

And well, she’s welcome to stop doing it. The republicans aren’t making her fly this much. I still think it’s a net positive if she inspires enough turnout to defeat Trump in 2024, but it’s still singularly her choice to send that plane up there and don’t think it’s that good for the environment.

[-] thrawn@lemmy.world 49 points 10 months ago

I don’t think anyone is actually enjoying the animal’s suffering, it’s more meant to be a humorous juxtaposition of the annoying dog yapping and the dog’s own dislike of sound. Upon further thought, it’s obviously not the same as annoyance because they display fear. Humor often comes in the first beat though, before deeper reflection.

I hate fireworks. They annoy me, but I’m also very aware of the affects of repetitive loud popping sounds. From pets to people/veterans with PTSD, they cause unnecessary suffering en massé every year. They also pollute, from the manufacturing to the smoke that most fireworks (to my knowledge) still emit, all for a pretty minimal gain. I still thought it was funny though, just from the base comparison of undesirable sound vs undesirable sound. That said, I’d run for president on a platform of “ban fireworks” either way

[-] thrawn@lemmy.world 50 points 11 months ago

Being in advertising “r&d” for these companies must be the easiest job in the world. All you have to do is insert ads into every possible slot (oftentimes just following another example), wait for consumers to roll over and pay for it, then do it again in six months. Freest money ever since consumers will take every blow they’re dealt and just keep paying for it no matter how bad the product becomes. Some day they’ll perfect the art and blast ads in the middle of the screen with the actual show in the top letterbox— reserving the bottom letterbox for buy it now buttons— and they’ll get fired like everyone else. But until then, easiest paycheck in the world

[-] thrawn@lemmy.world 32 points 11 months ago

The operating word is “would”. If it served their needs, they would. Not that they’re going to right now, obviously.

[-] thrawn@lemmy.world 68 points 1 year ago

“Go for X” was somewhat common, including in media. I think OP was mishearing that. There’s virtually no way to differentiate between “gopher” and a rushed, casual “go for” in speech.

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