
joined 1 month ago
[–] 1 points 11 hours ago

The husband's from there; great state! Though I love all the Midwest, honestly.


A picture titled with "The Right reacting to a leftist meme;" it's followed by a picture of the Disney character Gaston looking confusedly at a book and captioned as saying, "How am I supposed to laugh at this, there is no bigotry."

[–] 14 points 13 hours ago (1 children)
[–] 1 points 1 day ago

I'd remiss to not note that a downvote is not a "No".

You may be more than giddy to forget but we're, very much, deprived of that luxury…

[–] 7 points 2 days ago

He's just angry the attention isn't going to him.

story about my sister's dog that isn't related to the overall thread here but I just want to tell because it's one of my favorite memories of him (he's still alive)I'll never forget the one time it was so obvious my sister's dog was jealous. My long-distance partner was visiting so we were cuddling and whatnot; and I kind of hasn't noticed but he's whining and running around us in the background. So my partner gets up as we were moving over slightly and the second I sit down – but before my partner has sat down in my lap – he dives into my lap and just looks up at me with the most pleading face I've ever seen him have, his tail doing that little timid half wag dogs sometimes do.

[–] 2 points 2 days ago

My sister was born in 97, my brother in 93, and me in 90 and I always have to remind myself she isn't, technically, a millennial.

No idea if she's played Fortnite, though.

[–] 0 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Did France not forever debilitate Haiti's economy by enslaving it and then requiring Haiti to compensate France for the monetary loss of its liberation before being willing to recognize it as a legitimate country?

[–] 8 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Thank you; people keep getting excited whenever France makes moves towards forms of leadership these days but I can't help but suspect that Macron doesn't want to eradicate the global hegemony America had held through recent history but put France in its place.

Demanding back a gift given in celebration of America's abolition of slavery solely on the basis that France was the one to gift it (i.e. ownership) is too on-the-nose, even if you tried.

[–] 5 points 5 days ago

Void, that was a great show

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

Honestly, I still use the D-pad for every game I play; it's what I'm comfortable with.

[–] 9 points 1 week ago

THIS; I feel deranged, not hearing anyone else say they've noticed it.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

Fans of Europe's history of colonialism, I guess.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

We already assess people for mental health issues.

And, again, – if you had even passing familiarity with disability circles – you'd know that there are many people who have criticisms of his this currently works. This isn't remotely a perfect system and its existence doesn't suddenly make it so.

You have an idea of a system that has already gained a complete understanding of human psychology and, also, is able to assess it without fail or error.

We in fact should select for the traits that we want/don't want

Think very hard and long about what that sounds like…

Even shitty customer service jobs use these tests

And disabled people have discussed, at length, of how jobs like these are heated towards abled people!

How can that possibly be a bad idea?

I have you that answer, in my first response. Can you guarantee that these tests won't get highjacked or used by opportunists? Can you ensure they won't unfairly exclude those who shouldn't be there (gay people had to struggle with the psychiatric community to get them to remove homosexuality from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders; And these tests are not perfect, even right now (again, it isn't surprising you don't know this as many people don't; but continuing to ignore the erased disabled voices which have pointed this out isn't going to make them a smart idea).

Respected people in the psychology field have already said that trump is mentally ill in such a way that he's unfit to rule.

And many people pointed out that this was wildly unprofessional and irresponsible ( It's common amongst psychiatric professionals to not do armchair diagnosis since there's no way you can get accurate assessment from that position. But it's a great example of the way even professionals can exercise bias and poor judgement! Again, how will you ensure this won't happen with a system you've now put in charge of gatekeeping what change is even possible?

The problem is that now he's manoeuvred himself into a position where he can't be removed, and soon even us talking like this will be illegal.

That's a problem of other systemic issues, not because we didn't use an assessment of human psychology that's far from as black-and-white or accurate as you are presuming it is.

Stealing from cancer kids charities would be a no, no matter what disability that person had.This could be summed up as 'no tolerance for intolerance' or 'no kindness towards cruelty'.

There are other means of detecting this than using psychiatric tests. And, while you've adjusted your requirements to include sympathy, can you guarantee that others will? Autistic people struggle with cognitive empathy, too; can you guarantee that a fear campaign won't start up, that influences those running these tests to just, well, play it safe and keep these people out of the decision-making, for now? I have no interest in spending another century arguing with people who don't belong to a marginalization while the supposed findings of psychology is used to justify civil restrictions and criminal proceedings while those groups don't get a say because, well, didn't you know that psychiatry has found those people to be antisocial and unproductive?


Husband: He's gonna have an egg.

Husband: Well, he had an egg…

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