Just don't buy that expensive crap. If people where better at math they would buy PCs instead and we wouldn't have any exclusives.
You are right. Real Christianity is practically the opposite of fascism. But anyone can just call themselves Christian and we can't do anything about it.
You are right. That would horrible.
That problem would probably get a lot less acute if you guys over there finally started to pay decent wages to teachers
A Pizza with the radius z and the height a has the volume V= Pi×z×z×a
Sollte die Preissteigerung Bestand haben, sehe die Stadt in Zukunft keine andere Möglichkeit, als nur noch "Gema"-freies Liedgut heranzuziehen
Bleibt zu hoffen das die gema sich damit selbst abschafft.
Completely independent of the baby having rights or not it is obviously endangering someone if they do not let them leave to see a doctor when the person has pain.
50 USD per month? Are they crazy?
Ja wie, das is nicht 60km/h pro Person?
Since the launch of the beta, Google says it saw over 50 million files transferred between PCs and Android devices.
Can someone explain to me why google needs to know when I am sharing a file locally?
Sisyphus is happy. Instead of rolling that boring stone he can now go from room to room in the hotel and ask the guests to move on room.
I look at this fom a far and i wonder: Why do the democrats not just get a younger more capable person to vote for?