[-] wearling0600@lemmy.world 13 points 8 months ago

So then... continue using exclusively Apple's store then?

If you consider Apple to be the gold standard for security, you have just keep going as you are.

I don't see how giving other people the freedom to choose infringes on your security.

[-] wearling0600@lemmy.world 15 points 8 months ago

Remember these are people who know what it's like to go through apartheid and ethnic cleansing.

South Africa today is largely governed by the people who fought and won against apartheid, so it's understandable that they feel a level of solidarity with the people of Palestine.

(in this context I'm choosing to gloss over the real and present issues with the ANC, because they are not relevant to Israel's genocide)

[-] wearling0600@lemmy.world 6 points 9 months ago

Man my heart breaks for Leclerc, he's really giving it his absolute maximum.

Ferrari strategy again acting like their car is the RB19 and is unbeatable, absolutely no risk, no imagination, just make up a plan before the race and execute it irrespective of what's happening around them.

This horse has been beaten into oblivion already, but I can't believe that as dominant as they are, RBR continues to take risks. Maybe the car papers over some of the calls that might have gotten others in trouble, but they're nimble and you can see them really working.

The strategy call from Leclerc was just outrageous to have a chance of working. The fact that he had to think of it himself and he got so little support from the team is painful. Really what did they have to lose, you have to take chances if you're behind.

[-] wearling0600@lemmy.world 12 points 10 months ago

Damn, that's pretty drastic! I had no idea that they're reworking the sizes to such an extent.

Especially if they're gonna keep shoving street circuits down our throats, they might as well make the cars more suitable.

You wouldn't race fullsize SUVs down the streets of Monaco, yet somehow you're expected to in modern F1 cars which are comparable in length and width.

[-] wearling0600@lemmy.world 7 points 10 months ago

The chances of this happening are a rounding error. Red Bull need a #2 who is fast enough to pick up wins when Max can't and take points off his rivals.

They need a Bottas, not an Alonso.

As an armchair team principal, I'd take even Bottas over Alonso. And Ricciardo over either.

Unless Alonso commits to the mother of all 2nd driver contact with an iron-clad non-disparagement clause.

So won't happen.

As a fan though, I'll pray to whatever deity to let it happen, what delicious drama we'd have on our hands.

[-] wearling0600@lemmy.world 8 points 10 months ago

I don't know, your #2 reason doesn't seem to stand up to reality.

I don't know where you are, but where I am (UK) you can go on any high street (in most towns there will be an area where most shops are, think strip mall in the US) and you will find at least a couple shops that fix and sell electronics - primarily smartphones, but also vacuum cleaners, TVs, computers, games consoles.

Pretty much all of them are locally-run and are, I assume, profitable in spite of every electronics manufacturer trying to run them out of business.

I say I assume because they wouldn't be everywhere if they weren't.

I've had phones fixed by them, they offer warranties, reasonable prices, only had an issue once and it was put right after a tiny bit of back and forth.

I think by "we can't afford it" you mean "capitalism hasn't yet found a way to centralise the profits and run the small business owners out of business".

[-] wearling0600@lemmy.world 41 points 1 year ago

You're assuming that they're honest about their reasons, which is not the case.

The main message of the film (besides being a 2h ad for Mattel) is gender equality and female empowerment.

This threatens these people more than homosexuality, but I imagine even for them saying "we don't want our women to even imagine a world where they're not subservient to men" would be a tough sell.

Far fewer people are willing to stand up to defend the LGBT community so they're a convenient scapegoat ('conservatives' will always find a group small enough to target in order to push their unpopular policies, it just works).

[-] wearling0600@lemmy.world 13 points 1 year ago

It's mad!

I bought a laptop, from Amazon, something I do at most every 2-3 years.

For months since Amazon has been spamming me with laptop offers. I don't see what the best case scenario here is, I return the one I bought and get a new one?

[-] wearling0600@lemmy.world 23 points 1 year ago

You mean that every American citizen is automatically issued a photocard ID free of charge after they reach a certain age?

Because that's how it works in most of Europe for example. Some countries mandate that you must carry it at all times in case the police requires you to identify yourself. You use this card to vote, and you can also travel freely within the EU with it (loads of people don't even own a passport for this reason).

[-] wearling0600@lemmy.world 14 points 1 year ago

That's against Google's terms of use, you're not supposed to replace an app with something different.

If you had downloaded an app and all of a sudden it changes into something else, you'd be pretty displeased. Imagine if Facebook the company suddenly changed the Instagram app into an app for Facebook, they can do most of the same things, but it's not the same.

Plus it would be fair for the developer to get new payments for lifetime subscriptions, it's a new app which is significantly more work than just maintaining an existing one.

[-] wearling0600@lemmy.world 6 points 1 year ago

Yeah, one of the last trophies that are actually works of art worth something in and of themselves.

This one will be an iconic one especially because it's been broken.

[-] wearling0600@lemmy.world 13 points 1 year ago

I'm not sure how they got to that conclusion, but we can kinda guess.

The tongue is PACKED with blood vessels, so in case of any damage it can get tons of nutrients to fix itself. But this takes a very energy-intensive.

So if the rest of the body would have the same density of blood vessels, we'd need drastically more energy to feed all of that.

And I guess they're asserting that all else being the same we wouldn't be able to ingest or process sufficient food to keep that going.

It's a bit of a strange argument though, I'm going far outside of my physiology understanding, but you'd have to imagine that had we evolved such advanced healing capabilities, we'd have also evolved the means to feed them. And OP underestimates just how much food someone can eat. As someone dealing with an ED, I can tell you that you can easily triple your calorie intake (though whether that's sufficient I wouldn't be able to say...).

All in I'd look forward to OP defending their assertion.

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