no distractions...
one metaphor i heard is, holding a program in your head is like building a house of cards, every time a phone rings or something breaks your concentration, you have to rebuild the house
'or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States'
well see, the thing is, the presidency is both civil and military... it doesn't say "and/or" so clearly it's an exclusive 'or' (aka xor) and exempt...
- the super ream court
( ╯︵╰)
in California, all gift cards $10 or less can be redeemed for cash.
you may have to argue with employees and management, but its the law... it's also a misdemeanor for the cashier to refuse it to you.
that's pretty common on reddit
ok but, trump actually directly said he plans on being a dictator... it's really the most important election in much of american history...
it's really not worth it... they have the license plate and can just go to their house later...
the driver is still a piece of shit for also endangering people's lives (and the three year old)
yep! with a check signed "Jared Kushner"
yep. the invisible hand of the market will surely correct for this and everything will become just and good... as long as pesky regulations don't stick their noses in it....
actually, probably yeah
"potentially endangering lives" is your main takeaway from a predatory online mental health corporation being held accountable for abusing their patients.
meaning, you're licking some corporate boots.
... you also missed the part where mental health corporations deceiving and abusing patients is definitely endangering lives.
the bidet is an attachment to your toilet, not a separate thing