We are so lucky Nintendo sells shitty video games instead of health insurance. It could always be worse, folks.
OpenAI has entered the chat^
Stealing from pension funds is violence. When we say nonviolent crimes we mean crimes that aren’t morally wrong, but are technically illegal. Like hacking corporate emails or shooting healthcare execs.
Let me know after you move to a region with no taxes. I’ll come kill you and take all your stuff since there’s no justice system.
I don’t care if he’s an extraterrestrial or a gerbil, eating the rich is awesome.
Evil. They’re evil.
FOREX is explicitly the market that compares the strength of competing currencies.
I’m aware of how the bond market works. What is your problem with the bond market?
“Look what you made me do!”
Christianity as practiced in the US isn’t a real religion either. They reject every tenet stipulated by their own holy book. Fake anti-Jesus cultists, the whole lot of them.
Only god may judge us? Sure, which is why god sent a fucking assassin.
Are we supposed to think it’s normal that millennials are the first generation in modern American history who will die younger and poorer than their parents?
On average a quarter of millennial parents’ combined income goes to childcare. That is bizarre and unprecedented. Is it normal that they have 1/10th the wealth their parents did at the same age? That very few of them will retire?
People are unhappy because their lives suck. Millennials have iPhones and cars, sure. But these are toys. They aren’t important. What’s important is family, community, access to nature, good health, education, accomplishments, creative outlets, hope for the future. Instead we have YouTube and Samsung and other distracting material garbage that all the neoliberals think amounts to anything. Ridiculous.