
  • Kaan Cakir, Lead Level Designer
  • Stephane Charre, Environment Artist II
  • James Kay, Lead Content Designer
  • Assistant Environment Art Director
  • William Weissbaum, Assistant Narrative Director
  • Antoine Fauville, Senior Level Designer
  • John Lang, Level Designer II
  • Kristofor McMahan, Associate Design Director


  • Pyro has 12 space stations in total.
  • Pyro space stations are bigger than the ones in Stanton.
  • Rough & Ready gang own majority of Rest & Refuel stations in Pyro.
  • Ruined Station (one from Citizen Con) has been expanded.
  • Hangars will have direct access to the Cargo Deck.
  • Hangars in Pyro will have external freight elevators to allow for (un)loading of ships like Hull-C.
  • "Win station will have something called Ghost Arena".
  • Contested Zones are like MMO dungeons
    • Open space with loot.
    • Easily accessible directly from the "normal" part of the station.
    • Some routes are hidden behind puzzles, traps and key cards.
    • Various levels of difficulty, various rewards.
    • These are free-for-all zones.
    • NPCs there are not linked to missions and will respawn on a timer.
    • There will be Kopions running around, maybe more in the future.
    • Boss fights are also planned, not confirmed for 4.0.
  • Social parts of space stations are still green zones, no combat allowed.
  • They showed clips with light-enhancement scopes.
  • Asteroid Clusters are very different to the ones in Stanton.
  • Asteroid Bases can be abandoned, used for missions etc. They also have loot, obviously.


🕹️ (Thor's Day) We are currently building a new PTU candidate for a 3.24 Evocati release later today. This build is a Wave 1 candidate and we are looking to potentially open up to Wave 1 late tonight If it goes well for a couple hours with Evocati.

Some of my own thoughts:
Yesterday's test went a lot more smoothly compared to the previous builds. I still have some major concerns about 3.24, but hopefully the biggest things get addressed before it goes Live. (Let's just say it's way too easy to steal things from other players in armistace right now).

They fixed most of the ship spawning issues in the hangar, as well as some nasty teleporting bugs. They've focused on trying to make it so that, if the hangar doors are closed in the view of either the server or the client, at least one layer of the doors will appear closed to the player (hopefully no more destruction for flying into invisible hangar doors).

There are some amazing fixes for ultra-widescreen users (no more massively overscaled ui icons on your HUD, and inventory scales correctly now).

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by QuadratureSurfer@lemmy.world to c/starcitizen@lemmy.world

Message of the day

🕹️ (Tysdagr) We are currently working on a new 3.24 build for release to Evocati later today.
We also have a goal to run an RMQ Tech Preview later this week with an audience based on the current PTU wave.
🕹️ (Frjádagr) A new 3.24 PTU build is now open to Evocati Testers! VERSION 3.24.0-PTU.9261418

Roadmap Roundup - July 24, 2024 (robertsspaceindustries.com)

Added for 4.0:

  • RSI Zeus MkII CL
  • Acidic Caves
  • Rock Caves
  • Asteroid Bases
  • Space Stations - Contested Zones
Some clarity on Jump Points (robertsspaceindustries.com)

Hi there,

Jump Points is a big feature, there is a lot going on in the design, more than could be communicated in one ISC, so there is some bits of info that I realised afterwards that we managed to gloss over and some of these seemed to have caused a lot of speculation/controversies, so I'd like to attempt to rectify some of those and clarify some others.

Transient Jump Points do not have or use ATCs. Transient Jump Points are free for all experiences, you align, tune and the activate the Jump Point and then are pulled in.

As you can see from Transient Jump Points. The inclusion of ATC in the permenant Jump Points flow is not a techinal requirement needed for transitioning players between systems or anything like that. They are part of the flow solely for gameplay reasons. The ATC exists here for fairness to all jumpers, a fairness intentionally omitted in the Transient flow. The permenant Jump Points will likely be busy high volume routes. We dont want slower ships being trumped to jump by faster ships all the time, we also want to make sure we protect those ships who have waited and determine who is at fault for doing something obstructive, ATC will help us do this.

Additionally the ATC exists to imply and actually impose some level of decision making on those who choose to skirt the law or play outright criminally. Those player may instead choose or have to seek out Transient Jump Points to make their journeys in order to avoid this extra scrutiny.

I also want to clarify how ATC also makes sense as part of a bigger picture. Think of Permenant Jump Points as known controlled border checkpoints between systems. If you were the UEE authority in charge of protecting a system like Stanton from lawless systems that you know you border with, like Pyro, would you operate an open borders with them? I dont think you would, you'd find a way to control it.

In this sense ATC is being used as the gate keeper. How does it do that I see you all asking. If ATC hasnt granted you permission to jump yet then by default they actively jam jump drives from tuning. Once you have permission to jump they selectively choose to stop jamming your jump drive, whch then lets you tune and jump, simple.

Finally, I wanted to clarify an error in one clip of footage. You don't shoot the jump point with a gun to activate it, but you do initiate the opening with an activation step. The footage showed this as a physical shot from a gun but it was wrong to be depicted like that, I'm sorry I didnt spot it in the edit before the video was released, as if I had done so I would have sought its removal. So, please dont worry we didnt add combat to opening a Jump Point.

Thanks for reading,

Edward Fuller, Senior Principal System Designer



  • Edward Fuller, Senior Principal Systems Designer
  • Rick Porter, Design Director
  • David Haddock, Narrative Director
  • Ali Ahmadi, Senior VFX Artist I
  • Jake Dunlop, Senior Environment Artist I
  • Dan Meadowcroft, Senior Sound Designer I
  • Guillaume-Roch Pinard, UI UX Designer Senior I
  • Alistair Brown, Senior Director of Graphics and Procedural Tech


  • sound and visuals are obviously work in progress, there are some visual target images shown during the video
  • there are two different jump point types:
    • permanent
      • always available
      • on well traveled routes
      • surrounded by infrastructure
      • no more circular gates (present in old concept art) around jump points
      • usable by all ships
    • transient
      • need to be found
      • unknown destination
      • various sizes (small, medium, large)
      • unknown presence (might last a long time or a single jump)
  • patch 4.0 will only contain the Stanton - Pyro connection
  • security and turrets near permanent jump gates
  • you need to call ATC before jumping through permanent jump gates
  • jumps are grouped so if you want to jump with a party you need to make sure you're grouped together (queuing as a party planned in the future)
  • jumping requires you to align with the jump direction, failing to do so will lead to jump cancellation and losing your place in a queue
  • alignment is followed by a attunement process
  • entering/exiting a jump gate is completely automatic, you're committed at this point
  • any obstructions between you and the jump gate during attunement process will pause it
  • trying to get close to the jump gate without attuning will push you away to prevent deliberate obstructions
  • can't control your speed during the jump but you will have to navigate
  • you'll see ships traveling in the same directions but not those going the other way
  • bumping into the tunnel walls/obstructions will fill a "distortion bar" of your quantum drive, when it's full you'll be dropped out of the jump (destination depends on how long you spent in the tunnel but it'll be on the edge of one of the systems you were jumping between)
  • current planned jump duration is 3 minutes, might change depending on various factors
  • exit point of a system is not the same as the jump gate entry between systems
  • exit on the Pyro side has a "normal and safe" R&R station, like the ones in Stanton
  • transient jump gates will have more difficult routes
  • there will be more testing in a preview channel before 4.0
  • 4.0 is scheduled to release "in a few months", not "before end of the year" as they're still targeting a date earlier than that
  • credits with all the people who took part in previous episodes of all the shows, from Wingman's Hangar to Inside Star Citizen

Star Citizen is allowing anyone who wants to try out the game to play for free for this week.

There are a few of these free flights throughout the year.

If you're new, definitely use the "Guide System" to request help from other players. They can help you to avoid the current bugs and should know workarounds to be able to help you get some actual gameplay in quickly without having to waste too much time trying to figure out everything on your own.

During this particular event you will get permanent rewards for every 30 minute guide session.




  • breakdown of Blockade Runner event
  • reiteration of details on new cargo hauling missions
  • new balancing alghoritm will be used to determine the mission rewards
Latest 3.0.24 (Evocat Buildi) Patch Notes (robertsspaceindustries.com)

Tap for Highlights by komrkAudience & Server Details:
➣ Audience: Evocati
➣ Server Info: PTU Channel - US Servers Only
➣ Long Term Persistence: Enabled
➣ Replication Layer: Enabled
➣ Server Crash Recovery: Enabled

Testing/Feedback Focus
➣ Personal & Instanced Hangars
➣ Freight Elevators
➣ Storage Access
➣ Hover Trolleys
➣ Hangar Decorations

Not Ready for Testing/Feedback
➣ Cargo Hauling Missions
➣ Cargo Commodity Rebalance
➣ Dynamic Event: Blockade Runner

Feature Updates:
➣ Master Modes Atmo Flight Controller Re-tuning
➣ Soft Death Breaching Polish
➣ Added Mission Item Filters to Freight Elevator Management

Ships and Vehicles:
➣ Reduced the Esperia Prowler's Emissions

Patch Details:
➣ 20 Known Issues
➣ 10 Bugs squashed
➣ Fixed 4 Client Crashes
➣ Fixed 6 Server Crashes


Message of the day:

🕹️(Mánadagr) We are currently putting together a new 3.24 build for release to Evocati later today


Tap for summary by hencaricTeam: Frankfurt Level Design Team

Notable Information: ➣ Level design brings the environment and gameplay design together to make meaningful spaces for the player to experience the game
➣ The focus of this team is to create a cohesive environment through all facets of the game
➣ Things like elevators and transit items also fall under the responsibility of this team
➣ Principals of Level Design:
ㅤ✦ Readability: Clarity in the environment, making sure players understand where they are going and what they have to do
ㅤ✦ Flow & Leading Lines: Making sure the different factors flow together well and have a path that makes sense but isn't underwhelming
ㅤ✦ Options: Giving players choices in how they tackle different situations and get to their end goal Clustering: The act of bringing objects together to make environments more realistic and make things seem like they belong
ㅤ✦ Scale: Making sure the size of environmental items and transitioning from different-sized items make sense. Considers items like foreground, midground, and background
➣ This team has a similar development flow to ships, going through items like whitebox and adding additional environmental levels while working with teams like art design
➣ This team's work isn't done once a "level" is released, they have to go back and do maintenance and updates similar to gold pass work on ships
➣ Level design has a high degree of collaboration with other teams for items like audio, lighting, etc.
➣ The goal is to have a smoother flow in stations and learn from things learned on Stanton stations
ㅤ✦ Trying to eliminate things like elevators and convoluted transit paths
➣ Outposts are meant to have a clear identity and use case for combat, socializing, etc.
ㅤ✦ Outposts are intended to encourage ground vehicle usage, particularly for trading outposts where you will need to load vehicles with cargo
ㅤ✦ Pyro outposts, regardless of their identity or purpose, can turn into combat locations at any time given the nature of the system. This requires the outposts to be focused but flexible
➣ Level design ends up being "greater than the sum of all its parts" due to the player experience that is created when all the different deliverables come together
ㅤ✦ This does introduce a reliance on other teams for that cohesive player experience
➣ This team is focused on shifting from a larger focus on aesthetics to being balanced between playability and aesthetics, this will help locations feel more like they truly belong and are a living part of the verse


  We are going to be putting out a build onto the HOTFIX channel in about 10 minutes to test a client hotfix overnight with some logging updates that may help slightly improve client performance as well as fix multiple client and server crashes

- Wakapedia-CIG https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/lobby/38230/message/53971967


  An updated version of 3.23.1-live.9204897 is now available for download on the RSI Launcher in the HOTFIX channel!

- Spectral-CIG

Roadmap Roundup - June 26, 2024 (robertsspaceindustries.com)

Committed for 3.24:

  • Storage Access
  • Freight Elevators
  • New Missions - Cargo Hauling
  • Personal and Instanced Hangars
  • Dynamic Event: Blockade Runner

Still no update on the progress tracker.

3.23.2 is no more, we now have 3.24 (robertsspaceindustries.com)

No changes to the actual content itself. Just that the changes are big enough to warrant a major version update:

Hi everyone,

With Alpha 3.23.1 out the door, our team has shifted focus to closing out what we had previously called Alpha 3.23.2.

During internal testing of the upcoming patch, we've determined that its substantial updates justify labeling it as version 3.24.

This change in version number doesn't indicate any changes to the patch itself or any future patches; rather, it aligns with what we consider to be a major update. We're excited for you to experience additions such as Freight Elevators, Storage Access (previously known as Item Banks), Personal and Instanced Hangars, new Cargo Hauling missions, and more—all of which aim to make a lasting impact on the 'verse.

You'll soon see the updated version number in the launcher as we release Evocati/PTU builds and corresponding feedback threads. Additionally, this adjustment will be reflected on the Roadmap, which will be updated next week.

Keep a close eye on Spectrum for updates soon, and we'll see you in-game!

- Ulf-CIG

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by QuadratureSurfer@lemmy.world to c/starcitizen@lemmy.world

MotD Update:

🕹️(Wednesday) Goals for this week
- Thursday - We are looking to do a TECH-PREVIEW test with all backers for 4-6 hours with a more efficient hardware structure to test the meshing benefits. This test will split Stanton into 3 servers per shard with a more efficient setup and we will be monitoring network/server performance.
- By Friday - We are still looking to have a Cargo/Hangar build out for Evocati this week. We have a couple blockers still preventing this but are getting closer.

changing some messaging from earlier. We're going to open the Tech-preview tomorrow to all backers instead and have the build up 4-6 hours

Still working on time but most likely 2100 UTC

- Wakapedia-CIG


Edit: Some additional updates

could be as early as 1900 UTC but still getting that planned out. We already have the build

the Tech-Preview test tomorrow is going to be on an older build. this is a known quantity test since the last one to run performance tests so will be in a 3.22.x build so will be a bit of a throwback

- Wakapedia-CIG



The Evocati build for 3.23.2 has been pushed back until tomorrow or later. We might get a Server Meshing Test this Friday (I would expect to see it next week and be happily surprised if we see it by Friday).

(Tuesday) We have pushed a new 3.23.1a hotfix onto LIVE with multiple server and client crash fixes. We currently have 2 PTU goals this week if all goes as planned.
- First - We are looking to get 3.23.2 into Evocati's hands over the next couple days for cargo/hangar testing.
- Second - We have a slight chance of a new Tech-Preview Server Meshing test as early as Friday with with lots of new network changes if all goes well with internal testing.

- Wakapedia-CIG


submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by QuadratureSurfer@lemmy.world to c/starcitizen@lemmy.world

  3.23.1a Hotfix 9204897-9211972 is going to be pushed onto the LIVE channel in a bout 5 min! This resolves a handful of the highest server and client crashes we've seen in the last week as well as an issue that caused landing services to get stuck to a previous play

This is a hotfix without disrupting the global database so shouldn't interfere with non-ltp items like medpens, ammo, and refinery.

- Wakapedia-CIG


Edit: Hotfix is now live.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by QuadratureSurfer@lemmy.world to c/starcitizen@lemmy.world

🕹️(Monday) We are opening up the HOTFIX channel on the launcher soon for a 3.23.1a hotfix that will connect to the LIVE servers. This fixes a handful of server and client crashes, a deadlock, and landing service not functioning issues. If all is well it will be pushed over into the LIVE servers when ready.


Edit: In the game launcher, be sure to select the HOTFIX option for the game environment to connect to the Live servers that way.

If you don't want to download another copy of the entire game, rename your "LIVE" folder to "HOTFIX".
Default folder path: "C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen"


This hotfix does not require you to clear your shaders, since it creates a new folder, but when it rolls over completely to live there's a stronger chance that it will use the same folder that's already there. To clear your shaders follow the instructions below.


For hotfixes like this, I strongly recommend that you clear your shader folder:

  • Delete the entire sc-alpha-3.23.1_{id} folder located under:
      "%localappdata%\Star Citizen"

      Or if you like typing in the full path:
        "C:\Users{username}\AppData\local\Star Citizen"


No 3.23.2 PTU with evocati today! We are targeting Tuesday/Wednesday but will know better by tomorrow!

We do have more tech-previews on the horizon but won't spoil those just yet!

  • @Wakapedia-CIG


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