this post was submitted on 25 Oct 2024
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i haven't played magic the gathering in ages but i still follow it for some reason. if you're not checked in with the game, here's what's been going on in recent years: it's been enshittifying. i'm fascinated by when gacha games (which this essentially is) start putting the screws to players. here are some of the ways it's gone down

  • the game used to have rigorous processes for managing balance, processes which sometimes failed spectacularly, but held up most of the time. empirically, that's pretty much gone. almost all of the cards that have ever been banned in the standard format have come from the last several years, and they printed a mechanic so broken that they errata'd it to cost more. to be clear, this is a game that is played with physical cards that the text can't be changed on. the situation was so dire that they just said "ok everyone should know, ignore the text on the cards, they are too broken the way we made them."
  • they thought a bit about how the majority of their playerbase wasn't playing the somewhat competitive 1 vs 1 style the game was originally designed for. instead, most people play several person free for all formats, in particular these days a format called commander. so they've been absolutely shredding these people's wallets and ruining their games by designing rare cards specifically to end up being powerful in commander. recently they printed a commander card so busted in various formats that the former friend of mine who designed it ended up falling on his sword, writing an extremely apologetic essay about how he personally fucked up by letting it slip through.
  • there's a whole much larger drama around the commander format that i haven't got the energy to go into here. the most tolerable summary is that they printed a card so ridiculous that the format dissolved and was remade under a wave of death threats when it was banned. i know that doesn't make sense, just trust me, or write your own summary of it.
  • they found out that the more cards they come out with, the more cards they sell, so they've just been cranking out designs at greater and greater volume. at any given time there is a massive chunk of cards that are about to hit the shelves, and which they're 'teasing' and fomoing players about. the game is about 30 years old and they've been hitting a pace of printing something like 10% to 15% of all cards ever, every year.
  • every once in a while they release joke sets, with weird or silly mechanics like having to yell things or tearing up cards. generally, these cards are not allowed in semi competitive play. well, they thought the most recent one would sell better if that wasn't the case, so they marked as many of these cards as they could as being tournament legal (but to keep the outcry tamped down, not in their standard format). one of these cards in particular, a goblin that makes you put stickers on things, was so miserable to have in tournament play that they ended up backtracking and banning all the joke cards.
  • they found out they could make a big chunk of money by ditching their own setting and making cards for licensed IPs. they've been printing ever increasing numbers of cards themed around everything from the walking dead to fortnite to marvel to street fighter to spongebob, which sell like hotcakes. people who are invested in the style and theme of magic the gathering aren't super pleased. again, to placate the haters, these cards are not allowed in the standard competitive format, giving people who want to do wizard shit a refuge.

the last bullet point brings us to today: just kidding, frog boiled, you will now have captain america and kefka fighting each other at your table whether you like it or not. reactions are not entirely positive:

something that's quite interesting to me is how few people i've seen bootlick for wizards of the coast in recent years. i've looked at reactions to other games enshittifying and always saw lots of defenders of the company in charge, with four lines of attack being most common:

  • they have to put bread on the table
  • whew i know this seems bad but i would be ok with it if they just gave us 2% more crumbs. it's sooooo close to the right level of abuse
  • stop being poor
  • bro, just vote with your dollar bro

i've been seeing very little of that in regards to mtg. some people have denied the pot was getting warmer, but mostly, people have just turned into haters. not sure why; perhaps it has to do with the small scale social aspect of magic. if you're playing marvel snap and having the blood drained out of your neck, you don't really have a group of specific people you're experiencing that in concert with; with mtg you do. it could be the strength of small scale personal ties that both keeps people invested in this game, and makes people angry at how that investment is being treated

unfortunately i don't see any reason that this anger is likely to put a stop to things. after all, arch-enshittifier facebook is still making ultrabucks, despite having destroyed its reputation on every possible level and despite constantly enraging its users. you can do horrible things to people and just coast! it works!

EDIT: this is election relevant btw

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[–] 24 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (1 children)

While magic has always been exploitative, this feels like 'there is just too much'. Not sure if that makes sense. But more and more I see these franchises bloat and bloat and bloat with more and more content. And it just shatters any desire I have to even get back into it. And this isn't just a problem with magic, it is a problem with all these IPs. It feels very late stage superhero comics, where every character had such a long incomprehensive background that it was impossible to follow (and also a lot of 'to understand this storyline completely, you need to also buy a few random comics from a different story line. What do you mean to understand the last star wars movie I need to have played fortnite?).

And you know when the IP's fill up too much and the sales finally slump they will just kill half the content anyway, to refill it with more slop later (AI is going to be grand for this), or rebrand it, marvel ultimates style (but wait, it is all part of a universe, so it is all true. Eurgh). At least star wars killed their expanded universe so these old storylines no longer intersect (ow wait, they are selectively bringing stuff back of course. But wait, if new Thrawn has not done what old Thrawn has done, how is he cool? He didn't even throw rocks at people, this is all a scam!)

And don't take me as some sort of design minimalist btw, I do at times like kitchen sink designs (like nethack/slash'em for example). But this eternal milking and adding more and more to IPs is just too much. And it isn't just the world building, it is also nothing is just one thing anymore. Everything has the book(*)/videogame/movie/boardgame/bathsoap/mouthwash tiein. Anyway bit of a rant sorry.

*: you know the strange character that was underdeveloped in Rebel Moon (No not that one. The other one)? Well it is worked out better in Rebel Moon the directors cut. You saw that and it actually made the plot worse because of a glaring plot hole? Well that is explained in the book. AAAA

Edit: and it isn't just IPs who go for more and more. Presenting the Chick-Fil-A streaming/entertainment app (amazing how in a way the USA has seen the pillarisation problem of the past Netherlands and thought, we are going to do that but with a lot of capitalism added on top).

E2: More examples comparing somewhat regular outputs with ever expanding IP slops. All of HP Lovecrafts fiction work basically fits into 3 books. Look at the size of the mythos that spawned. But also compared the impressive output of somebody like Charles Stross, he has written about ~45 books (from a quick count of wikipedia, not counting collections/reprints). Compare that to Warhammer 40k's Horus Heresy, this book series (it is also 2 board games, and a card game) is 64 books long. With the last story, being written over 10 books (and 3 of those 10 are basically a trilogy). That is an insane amount of books, and it is only about a small part of the whole universe. People have to be unemployed to keep up with this kind of shit.

[–] 23 points 4 months ago (3 children)

the Chick-Fil-A streaming/entertainment app

the worst chicken place[*] has a fucking streaming app? of course it fucking does, chick-fil-a can’t fuck off

[*] if anyone replies to this to kneejerk slobber over chick-fil-a’s nasty fucking chicken: why. which part of it is good. it’s not the sauces or the brine or the breading and it’s definitely not some combination of all those things. why the fuck is this garbage fried chicken popular when literally every other choice is better. please for the love of fuck eat some Church’s or try a local place, you’ll discover the idea of flavor and it’ll astound you

[–] 12 points 4 months ago (1 children)

No idea about the chicken as im not american. Just know they are openly bigots or at least celebrated by them. So this felt like a shitty attempt to create a culture war broad brand of crap. Only dress yourself in chickafil crap to show you are not lgbt and watch the unfunny anti lgbt cartoons etc.

Lol at you starting the fast food discussion btw.

[–] 10 points 4 months ago

asking why chick-fil-a’s bland-ass chicken is good is a better insomnia cure than counting sheep

[–] 9 points 4 months ago

Ayo brother I am with you, Chick-fil-A is pretty bottom tier chicken. It's like what white people who think ketchup is spicy think of when they think of good fried chicken.

[–] -2 points 4 months ago (1 children)

they are pretty good as far as fast food chicken goes. Their chicken sandwiches are well above most places. Sure i could get better at a restaurant but i don't always have time to do that as those require a decent chunk of time.

The streaming app is fuckin stupid though.

[–] 13 points 4 months ago (2 children)

who the fuck said anything about a restaurant? go eat better fast food

[–] 9 points 4 months ago (1 children)

istg I don't think I'll ever truly grok US corporate stans

[–] 13 points 4 months ago

listen I’m sure chicken has whatever this “flavor” thing is when you catch it, kill it, and fry it yourself, but until then I’m going with the only fast food chicken ever invented: Bigotry Filet

[–] -3 points 4 months ago (2 children)

And what would you recommend for supposedly better fast food chicken? Certainly not McDonald's certainly not Burger King definitely not KFC's overcooked dry as fuck chicken. Maybe sonic? I don't know if they even have chicken I haven't looked

[–] 8 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Raising Cane's Chicken is so good 🤤

[–] 8 points 4 months ago

fuck yeah Cane’s!

[–] 8 points 4 months ago (2 children)

literally the one I recommended in my post?

why was your list of chicken places so bad by the way?

[–] -1 points 4 months ago (2 children)

Because those are your only options beyond bigotry chikin in most places. If you live somewhere with other dedicated fried chicken options, you're aleady significantly ahead.

[–] 9 points 4 months ago

it’s really weird to get excited on the internet about the desperation option to be honest

but also I’d still take KFC over chick-fil-a on flavor and vibes alone

[–] -5 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (2 children)

You didn't recommend anywhere in particular you just made a vague list of try anything else. But there aren't really that many other options in a lot of places. As another commenter has pointed out. I think the closest thing I have is probably Ezell's Famous Chicken but they mostly focus on full pieces of fried chicken rather than chicken sandwiches and while they are better than Chick-fil-A they take significantly longer I wouldn't really classify them as fast food they sit somewhere between fast food and a restaurant. Let's call it fast-ish food with my average wait being 15-20min. Definitely somewhere I will go when I have the time. And for the most part I just cook food at home and don't even really eat fast food but there are times when I'm busy, tired, or in the middle of something and need food really quick. And if I'm wanting some chicken unfortunately Chick-fil-A is my best option if I need it fast

[–] 9 points 4 months ago (1 children)

misreading my own rant back to me was a real weird move, but you’re already searching for good chicken in a Burger King so I think we’ve established how one might be tricked into thinking chick-fil-a’s good

[–] 13 points 4 months ago

You could've given me a million guesses on what weird thing people would be defending in the comments to "MtG sucks now" and I wouldn't have guessed "the homophobic fast food chain is my only possible choice for fried chicken"

[–] 8 points 4 months ago

Spending this many words to say "it's too hard to feed myself anything but basic-ass pickle chicken" is just sad.