Canada places 200% tariff on little Canadian flags Americans wear while travelling
A place to share and discuss stories from The Onion, Clickhole, and other satire.
Great Satire Writing:
Once, on a bus in London, I asked "is this seat taken" to a lady who was sitting at the aisle and the window seat was open. She turned to me, hearing my accent, and said "It's not for Americans". I was taken aback and said, "but I'm Canadian!" and then she said, "oh" and just moved over like it was nothing then.
I was going into a nightclub in Scotland and the bouncer at the door asked for ID. I didn't have my passport, so gave him my US driver's license. The bouncer looked at it with an odd face, not knowing what it was, until I said, "Oh, I'm American." Without missing a beat he said, "Yeah, we all got problems," gave it back to me, and let me in.
You should have sat down, and said "I'm actually American."
When I was over there, everyone assumed I was Canadian. I asked a tour guide about it at one point, and he said that it's just a safer assumption: if they guess American and are wrong, Canadians can get a little offended. But if you guess Canadian and are wrong, Americans tend to just be amused.
What has an American ever done to her? Weird to just be a bigot for no real reason, The British government and tourists fucking suck also, tourists are arguably worse.
I mean, bigotry is bad and all expressions of nationalism are brain rot, but most recently Americans have threatened to invade Canada and begin a fascist tide the world may not survive.
So that. Just within the past month.