So much spam
/kbin-related stuff. Unofficial, not moderated by devs (yet). Official ones: /m/kbinMeta /m/kbinDesign **All official /kbin magazines in one collection**
You can easily report if you're using kbin website, don't know how it works if you're using an app. You just hover over the "more" link and a dropdown appears with "Report" as the first option.
You can report. Whether it actually does anything is a different question
Yeah of course, but at least I will feel like I did what I could to bring attention to those accounts if anything would be done.
Aaaah thanks so much... I feel dumb now XD
I never thought of checking that, I was kinda looking for a way to report the user itself, not the post... I will start doing this too.
I'm using the webpage from the browser by the way.