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Pixel Dungeon
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So an evasion augmented armor grants 4 + 2*lvl evasion. I could include this stat, but it's not actually going to help decision-making at all, as you have no idea how that compares to the amount of blocking you've lost. Furthermore extra points of evasion/accuracy aren't necessarily more useful, generally the more of it you've got the less useful each point is, which is often the opposite of blocking's value. So I just don't include the numbers at all as that ends up being a similar amount of information with less complexity.
Accuracy figures are the exact same in this regard, I'd rather have no numbers at all than show numbers which aren't actually useful.
Hey Evan,
I've been playing and enjoying SPD for quite sometimes now. I'm wondering with the new UI updates, would you be willing to include general information about the game, artifacts, monsters, etc? Stuff like how much damage the Chalice does, Fly only drops HP potions, the solution to the puzzle room is always available on the same floor, etc?
I love the game, but I hate checking the wiki for some hidden mechanics! These to me would make the game a lot more accessible and less frustrating (for new players) because these hidden mechanics are crucial to winning your first run! Maybe you could make a toggle under settings ala Blizzard-style games to enable advanced tips if you are afraid of overwhelming new players.
Thank you for the great game!!
I do think there are cases where the game could include a bit more numbers clarity, but I'm afraid I don't want to just effectively put the wiki into the main game. Are there any particular 'hidden' mechanics which you think are most egregious? I don't think any of the things you list are crucial to winning the game, and in fact the game does mention solution potions to special rooms in the guidebook.
Thanks for the explanation, and the incredibly entertaining game!