In a comic, when two people have their mouths open at the same time and there are no lines/speech bubbles, it's hard to tell who's saying the dialogue. That is all.
Trans Memes
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Could someone clarify?
Estrogen therapy for transfems takes a while to have noticeable effects.
Two of the earliest effects for people are softer skin and growing areolas. I read a blog yesterday where the author said one of the first effects she noticed was her nipples growing to look like cis women's.
Oh that's interesting. Now I wonder if it works the other way around too.
Just googled and T is said to make the nipples darker and shrink the areolas quite quickly, so yes!
I am assuming the comic/caption is transfem because folks tend to socially transition before starting hormones.
huh, honestly i never noticed that, i think i was too busy listening to my voice drop and holding a magnifying glass to my chin to see if the beard is growing out already or not :')
I wish trading was a thing, I'm so done with shaving T_T I'm actively trying to figure out how I can afford to get laser for my face
Weird. Mine haven't changed at all. Well, other than the hair.
Interesting indeed. The Human body is a fascinating machine.
Growing in which dimension?
Nipples are on breasts
Gonna be honest with you here. I had 0 thought about how nipples were that much different between men and women. Just never crossed my mind.